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I love to write, I LOVE TO WRITE. okay, now that I've got that off of my chest... Though I am in college now, most of these things were written while I was in high school. What I am working on now doesn't quite with what I have been writing recently since it isn't in the SciFi/fantasy genre. Therefore, grammer and typo's are abundant, if you see one, just smile and shake your head. These were always about the story, not the style.

Nadine once said (I know, shameless plug for my story Hematite Blade) “Please tell me Elliot, how sifting through her mock epiphanies will help us?” Well you know what, if it is good enough for Elliot, it’s good enough for you. However you found my site, I hope you enjoy it. I do appreciate constructive criticism (mind you, I haven’t edited or even checked for typos yet, so be understanding) feel free to e-mail me, Black Jade, at your convenience.

black shadows link
Hematite Blade link
Fugitive link
Sen'Nemmet link
rants link
friends link
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Let's see, my poetry. It fluctuates with my mood. Sometimes it is happy (which generally doesn’t get posted because it is generally really badly written) and sometimes it is miserable cough cough*void of nothingness* cough cough. Other times I am just trying something new to practice, working on imagery or stuff like that. Right now my favorite poem is Crystal Shards, and Stone cities too.
Stone Cities

The great city has fallen, my lord
Scattered ruin of marble stone
Rupture the wasteland of my soul
Sandstone pillars corrupted, decay to dust

My lord, my king, moves soundlessly
Amid the choir of noise
The screeching of chaos in pain
Echo through the fallen rooms
Diseasing the mind of remains

Blood runs down marble stairs
Stained forevermore, the saltwater
Of oceans tears cleans nothing
But please wash it away, rot elsewhere

Sink to the ground, die in the dirt
Quite where you belong
My king, you die with your people
You worthless hag of stone rubble

We erected a prison to hold you forever
No one will touch your sun-bleached skin
Eaten to ash by time

Neglected by the fates

Ghastly shadow of the moon
Gazing from above me, and below in the sea
Swallowing me between your halves
Spare me your razor teeth.

Crystal Shards

Falling onto shards of broken crystals
Composed of the hell-fires
Golden blood is spilt from my veins
Glittering the ground in it’s shining splendor

Crystal is piercing my skin
Falling endlessly into a web of glass
Stitched of moonlight and sunbeams
Held fast by hopes and dreams

Cursing, I am caught in my web of desires
Strangled by threads of my own making
Hung by intangible strings
Stealing the breath from my throat

Silver hair floating before my death-filled face
Suspended in watery nothingness
Curious face of innocence watching
Tangible confusion in molten red eyes

Darkness’ vague nothing takes hold
As everything floats from view
I cannot breath
In suffocating fright, I struggle from my bonds.

For more, just check out the poetry page!

stories logo

I love writing my stories; anyone who doesn’t will never understand how wonderful it feels. It’s creating a whole new world that only exists because of you. One grows to love the characters they create, even the despicable ones. Beyond all else, it is being the one in control. Have you ever read a book in which something really horrible happened to a character you love? Well in your own story that never has to happen if you want it to. And for once, you are the puppeteer and have anyone who reads it at yourmercy.

Even beyond that, writing a story, no matter what kind, fantasy or science fiction, they can suddenly become more revealing then diary entries. It may sound strange to think that people running around fighting with swords and shooting magic spells at people can be about you, the writer, but they do thanks to a little thing called your subconscious.

moving on

Black Shadows- This story is about a group of demon hunters who are trying to save human kind from the threats posed by beings from a parallel dimension. Along the way they are hunted by not only the demons, but also their own past. This story starts off on a light tone but just gets darker and darker the more you learn about the characters and what people do in times of war. It is almost done, but got put on pause due to the fact I had no desire to write something as depressing as the end during my summer vacation. I’m saving that for when I am pissed off during the school year. I swear it will get done though, I just needed to write something lighter for a while.

Hematite Blade- This is the new story I started as a release from Shadows. It is so me. It is about a dead prophet and the religion she created before her death. Also, a powerful magical weapon she created called the Hematite Blade. However, it became tainted with evil and she was forced to destroy it and hide the remains (called the Hematite Shards). Now a group of evil, power-seeking bastards are looking for the shards so they can reassemble the weapon and take over the world. All that stands in their way is our loveable band of protagonists lead by the Historian named Elliot. It has a lot of philosophy about good and evil and what religion is all about. It is a story about human nature and way the world works.

Fugitive-Fugitive is going to be a long, long story which I have barely dented. But it is, in essence, the story of an entire planet and how it has been manipulated for the past two/three generations by an evil force. You learn the stories of characters from all over the world and how fate/God slams all these people together to try and free the people from this malignant force that controls the world through manipulation and deceit. It will be an amazing story, if I ever finish it…

Okay, last one. Sen’Nemmet- This Story is about a bunch of kids who escaped from a center that isolated them from the world “for their own good.” Yet upon their escape they get divided and thrown into the middle of a bloody war that had been going on for many, many years. Unknown to them, a prophecy was made that turned them into the key players of this war. The once friends are now on opposing sides of this war and will have to kill each other or be killed. Maybe they should have stayed at home…

Yeah, so those are the main stories that I keep here, they are near and dear to my heart. I hope that you like them too. I'd love to read your stories too. Also, any comment/ criticism is welcome. I want to be a better writer and I can’t do that without knowing what I am doing wrong.

Know what I’d really like to do, set up a gallery of pictures of my character. The problem is that I’m not the greatest of artists, so if anyone wanted to help me out I would be forever indebted…

rant index

My friends always say that I am really funny when I start ranting. So I figured, what the hell, I am filed under the rant section at Angelfire anyway. So here it goes. I have a big list of topics I plan to write on. Most of them morality and religion, cause thouse are my favorite topics of all time. But there will be other stuff too.

Why I hate the concept of Hell, beyond the obvious, "I don't want to burn for all eternity"

A personal moment of pure faith and why I pity atheists

Take Responcibility for your Life


My friends are lazy slackers. They said AGES ago that they were going to make websites, and have they yet? NO. Maybe seeing me refering to them as lazy slackers everytime they log onto my site they will have further motivation. In the meantime I guess, you should log onto the few poems I posted for Xgensilver.
Updates logo
August 6, 2003- Well, isn't it obvious, I only have a whole new index page. All that black was starting to get old, don't you agree? I needed COLOR!

August 11,2003- Well, yesterday I poseted some more of Chapter 2 in Hematite Blade and today I have two new poems up. The postry shall I say... Woven of a different cloth than Crystal Shards and Stone Cities (which are still my favorite), but I kinda like the new ones anyway.

August 15, 2003- I have finished the second chapter of Hematite Blade, it's all up.

August 27, 2003- Chapter 3 of Hematite Blade is up. It's a short one, but you get three new characters, so I think it evens out. They're brothers, Nicholas (whom we heard out from Winter's bitching), Ashton, and Dean. Also, another poem. I had written it in my last wave of poems, but I just forgot to put it up. it's at the bottom of the poetry page.

September 14, 2003- Chapter 4 of Hematite Blade is up, kinda dull by my standards, but necessary. The next few chapters should make things a little more interesting though. . . So just hang in there.

September 29, 2003- Xgensilver's friend has taken a liking to my site and has submitted a poem. Her name is Regina and you can read her poem Inspiration here

October 4, 2003- Chapter 5 of Hematite Blade is up, it's a short one

January 17, 2004- Chapter 6- Hematite Blade

January 18, 2004- Chapter 7 Hematite Blade- Can we say "important"?

January 27, 2004- I am about to say something that I never thought I would be able to say, Black Shadows is finished. I know, it's chapter 10, but I was too lazy to put it on a different page, it is under the chapter 9 button. I had envisioned the ending being longer and detailing what happens to the other, but I kinda like where it is left. If you disagree, I can add on the rest, because my plan is very different from what you are left thinking at the end. Maybe I will add it someday anyway. But at the moment, I like where I left it.

April 24, 2004- This is becoming an annoying topic- losing chapters. My idiot father was messing with the computer and lets just say it died. We had to reinstall Windows and everything. My entire hard drive was wiped clean. The only reason I have anything I wrote was because I keep this site. But I had about three really long chapters I hadn't gotten around to uploading. So *poof* gone. I think we all remember when I lost some chapters for Sen'Nemmet. The story effectively stopped. You have no idea how annoying it is to re write chapters. So i guess instead of just trying to rewrite them, i'll make changes to the original, so hopefully I won't get bored with it. I like this story and I don't want it to die.

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