Britannia Lives On ------------------ Part I - A New Beginning It never ceases to amaze me everytime I look at the picture of AoA lining up on the bridge... and wonder how a guild of evil could overwhelm the people's good nature. Back in the days when we were under the rule of Cyric of LG, we were all fighting for justice. It worked, to a point, but the opposition had grown too powerful, and we had started too late. Although we had our victories, the one who was to become the leader among us decided that he, too, had decided to instead gain power over justice, due to the greed of the young ones who start out good; but Grasshopper didn't abandon the newbies completely. He just wanted to know who was with him, and who wasn't. Killing a thief when you're a good guy turns you red - that doesn't mean it's an evil deed. It just means that you killed someone. In the same way, being blue doesn't mean you're a good guy. It just means you don't kill people who look like good guys. Thieves are blue, doesn't mean they're always good. The reasoning behind it is clouded until you actually got to know that person, and find out what happened. It's the only way to find out why anyone does what they do. The world was dominated by the reds. Murderers. Wars were frequent, and the ones who aimed for the virtues were looked past or ignored. Thankfully, they weren't forgotten. It was a blessing I counted on to be who I was. As a mage, I seek power. I try as hard as I can to not use my power against people I believe to be innocent. TnT had gone into another direction. Since the world was erased, he had lost most of his desire for adventure, and found a new adventure in herding his animals. TnT had gone from tamer to hermit, and loved being able to have his own sort of communication with nature itself. In a way, he had found his own magic, commanding real animals at will. He didn't kill anyone... he had not the skills nor the desire. Somehow I knew he hadn't given up his fight for the virtues. For he himself had mastered the one I probably lacked. Neo had joined Grasshopper, and now lived under the name of Cyrus. Like Grasshopper, Cyrus also seeked power. He became a member of Chaos so that he wouldn't have to tolerate the annoyances of thieves and ungratefuls. I must say I didn't think either of them were doing the wrong thing. It's true I became a little disappointed that they had turned to Chaos, but I knew from the early stages that fate would lead our lives to very different places. One of us wasn't sure where to turn. He knew his blacksmithing days were over, and although minkus felt the same way Grasshopper and Cyrus did, his feelings against the reds were equally as strong. He remembered the day we were massacred at Mt Kendall by Inffy the murderer, and I don't think he liked the picture of him being the murderer killing the blacksmiths in the mine. He also didn't want the group to split up, despite what fate had in store for us. My name is Quenton. I'm now a proficient mage, although not quite as good a mage as I was before. My instincts were right when I decided to stay on this world. My other skills have now grown rapidly and, apart from my magery, I am even more skilled than I've ever been before. Both in mind, and in body. Like TnT, I've been trying to lighten up on my magery, and concentrate on the much simpler things that seem so complex to everyone else. We both knew that knowledge is power. Chaos is not necessarily evil. Order is not necessarily good. I know there's an in-between. A balance between the two. It's this balance I feel will change the world as we know it. I fear I won't be around to see it happen, as long as I know it has begun to happen. I don't like to fight the reds, and I don't like to see the blues die. I know they both have their reasons, and I respect that. There's very few people I've met whom I thought were truly evil, and I found that when they had few skills in their arsenal, that even I was wrong about them - and I knew good existed in them, too. It was just that pride had overcome them - a problem that, with the virtues, would never have arisen. The life of a newbie was not as hard as I remember. I trained for three days, before going back to the main roads of Britain - the training centres were always full. Keldon had now become better known as Cherry, and it was strange seeing her next to me training herself up like the rest of us endlessly, hoping to get an edge on everyone else. Actually, the story between Cherry and Keldon is difficult to describe. Keldon went almost insane, not able to handle the people's ignorance for what he was trying to accomplish. Keldon left, and Cherry appeared. He was so mad that he even attacked me on Britain's west bridge when we were all under attack. He was angry, I hold no grudges. I trust Cherry as I trusted Keldon, and vice versa. At Britain bank, the newbie dungeon had just opened. It was chaotic at first, but soon it calmed down and witches were hiding up the back. I took myself and two other mages to fight them. We knew that our spellbooks must be filled if we were to be called mages at all. Soon, the entire town was racing for spellbooks. I saw my opportunity, and became a minor scribe. Exhausted and overwhelmed, I made scrolls for more than half the town, for the cheapest prices I could. Nobody deserved to lose their skills, and I did what I could to try make it easy on everyone. It was a while before I joined a guild or started seeing any wars begin, but I knew it was inevitable. I recreated ToV, but I allowed more freedom for the people who joined. I'm not sure I had much success running FoV (Followers of Virtue), but I knew that as long as one member remained in the guild, the hope for the revival of the virtues was not lost. And that's what was important. Part II - Chaos vs Order I tried at first to reunite ToV, but I knew this was an impossible task. ToV never really prospered, and there was little interest in it. FoV would have even less interest, as I knew people just wanted to fight for Chaos or fight for Order. This wasn't my motive, and it never was. I knew that if I became a follower of Order, I would just be making myself an enemy to my friends. Many people became reds, and thus all were considered chaotic. I knew this wasn't the case, or the reds would've killed me, too. Sometimes I think most of them are right when they say they are not evil, just misunderstood. It describes Chaos perfectly. They always have three distinct qualities. Order always acts on Ethicality, Discipline and Logic. Chaos always acts on Tolerance, Enthusiasm and Emotion. It's not uncommon to see Chaos using Order's qualities, or vice versa. It's this wavering that consistently reminds me that we are only at war because we misunderstand each other, and not because we hate each other. People get mad at a mistake or action. People don't like people who get mad. People develop grudges. People go to war, and hate each other. Sometimes it's selfishness. They take the goods because they can. It boils down to petty theft. Other times it's justice. They take the goods because they've been treated unfairly by that particular person. If the two parties never work it out, this cycle just repeats itself. I was tailoring at Serpent's Hold with Cherry. It was going to be the new way to bring in our money to raise our magery. A new guild had turned up, it was one of the first Chaos guilds to appear. LordDraco belonged to CR, a hated guild at the time. I was puzzled at why I was spared whenever I saw them in Delucia, when I went to get my reagents. For that reason, I didn't dislike CR. They were just as good or evil as anyone else I knew. I was tailoring with Cherry one day, and caught by surprise. LordDraco attacked me with extreme prejudice, but left Cherry alive. I asked why, and I was told he was a friend. I reasoned that he didn't even know me, but he didn't seem to care. He came twice more, and I didn't try hard to fight back - I wasn't looking for a fight. However, he wouldn't listen to reason and I couldn't continue my task. I told others about the dilemma, and they were willing to help me. Soon LordDraco discovered me again in Serpent's Hold, this time with his friend, Matsu. Matsu's skills seemed far lower than either mine or Draco's, and all he tried to do was paralyse me while Draco actively fought. I constantly casted magic reflect, as Draco's primary weapon was lightning. Draco eventually trapped me in Serpent's Hold mage shop, but instead of finishing me off, he left to get some supplies, and left Matsu to guard me. I didn't want to kill Matsu either, as that would just worsen my already horrible terms with Draco. I tried to leave the mage shop, and as I went out the door, Matsu again tried to paralyse me. Unfortunately for him, I still had a magic reflect up, and it gave me plenty of time to flee and call for help. Soon, Hook, Emilee and Eric came to my aid, and now it was a 4 against 1. Draco fought well, and was able to hold off the four of us. As I ran out of mana, about six or seven more joined the fight, and Draco knew he didn't stand a chance. He recalled away as fast as he could. I couldn't help but smile. Later, Matsu was found and killed by one of the others. He dropped a key, and we all went to loot his house. Being house looted is not one of the better aspects of war when you're on the receiving end, but Draco needed to know the consequences of killing people he didn't even know. In the end it was justice. I talked to Draco later, and he understood my views. We've been friends since that occurred. You often see evil ones taunting their victims saying "I'm not evil. Just misunderstood." In a way, I can see their viewpoint. For an evil person to sway a good one, all they have to do is make them see what they're doing from the same point of view. Likewise, for a good person to sway an evil one, they must do the same. I must tread carefully. I feel like a man who has just found out his destiny. I must the make the virtues known and understood. And I'm going to die before I see my work complete. Part III - The Journey Before I begin, I'd like to warn readers that this section may be difficult to understand. Either bear with me, or skip past this part. It'd been a long time since I had stopped mining in Mt Kendall. And I wasn't sure how much longer my body would let me live in a mortal world such as Britannia. Thinking through all of this, I was uncertain what was next. I had mastered many skills... all the ones I wanted, except my primary skill. Magery. In order to better understand my skill in magic, I left the towns and the people I'd known for so long. This was no easy task. Many did not want me to go, nor did I want to leave them. But I felt compelled to do it. It was the next part of my life, and not going would not be a decision any good mage would make. I bid my farewells, and left. About a week or so later, I heard word that someone else called Bob had appeared in Britannia. Some people thought that I was him, and he was me. I don't know much of what that was all about, but I was sure he wasn't mimicking me, and I understood he was only around to help people. We were on the same side, and I had no qualms with him. I set up camp at a cave at a place I dare not write here, for it is only known to a select few who delve in the fabrics of the ether. In my studies and meditation, I came to understand that magic is not simply waving your arms and speaking incantations. It is a complete structure. It's not even a simple structure. Not even one structure. Think of it in terms of the virtues. If one person shows compassion to another, that other person is likely to show compassion back, or even to other people. In a sense, you have influenced their mind and their feelings. You've done it so well, that this person is almost being controlled (do not mistake my words as being malicious deeds, I am working with the virtues with good intentions), thus it works so well that you change the way someone else thinks. Think about that for a second. How can showing an act of compassion be classed as magical mind control? In a sense, it isn't. It is simple illusion. Illusion is the creation of something that is not really there. In this case, the illusion that is being 'cast' is the virtue of Compassion. Be warned, this does not mean that the compassion is not real, only the magic between it. An act of compassion begets another act of compassion. I cannot say more, for only a wise man can truly understand this, and even I myself cannot fully explain it. It is the same with all eight virtues. Every act of virtue is essentially an act of magic. It's not even complicated magic, it's so simple that even non-mages can use it. Of course, it is often not necessary to understand magic to use it. Perhaps this is where the magic that empowers the shrines comes from. The power to recreate life. I think that because I understood a link between magic and virtue when I was mining so long ago, is the very reason I became a mage in the first place. This link also exists with more than just the virtues. Chaos and Order. Balance. Using these can also be acts of very simple magic. Truth, Love and Courage. Love is often referred to by those who have it as 'magic'. And that is probably the best proof I have. Part IV - Gaining Allies My travels took me to the Lycaeum, I forced myself to learn as much as I could. Looking through books from authors around Britannia, I turned and saw the Book of Truth. I went to read it, but instead a blueish light sparked in front of me, and I saw a woman with blue skin, white hair and her face shone with immaculate beauty. "Who are you?" I asked, unsure if she could even speak my language. "I am Siryn, Goddess of the Seas. I've come to help you further your training." she replied, in a voice that almost made my spine chill, but with a sense of longing and compassion. It was evident that she was a peaceful character, and I tried to learn as much as I could. "What do you do? Why do you approach me?" She smiled. "I am a clairvoyant. I have seen the future, Quenton. I know your thoughts." She giggled playfully, as if this was a game, and she played an important role. I smiled back, I felt like I was playing this scene as if it would change my future. Still, I was curious that a Goddess had reason to approach me. "What do you see? What is my future?" Her smile disappeared into a worried frown. She looked down, and looked me directly in my eyes. She didn't like what she had to say, but she knew she had to say it. "You have become a fine mage. Perhaps one of the wisest in the lands. But you know as well as I do that the balance in the lands is not stable." I had often thought about this. She was right. The wars in the lands were evidence enough that far too many people misunderstand why they fight in the first place. Siryn smiled again. Her words silenced my thoughts. "Soon you must return to those that you left, for you yourself will be put on trial before the people." She spoke slowly, and carefully, making sure I understood her every word. "Your journey is far from over, Quenton. You are the only one who understands the virtues properly in all Britannia." At this point, against my will, I felt a hint of pride at that fact, and Siryn shook her head. "You know your weakest virtue, don't you? It's the one virtue, when lacked..." I finished her sentence, "...distorts the other seven. I know. I've been working to improve it my entire life... I'm always mindful of it -" She cut me off, speaking quickly. "Seek to be mindful of it more often, Quenton, or the people you care about will pay the price for your pride." For the first time, she stared at me with a look that had me almost petrified. I dropped my smile, and became more serious. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked her. She smiled, probably at the fact I wanted to learn more. "What do you seek, Quenton?" I hesitated, making sure not to give her the wrong answer. "I seek the truth." She grinned at me. "And so shall you find it!" She turned around, clapped her hands over the Book of Truth, and disappeared. I walked up to the Book of Truth, and the page was open to a picture of a large bird, with the body of a woman. It was a harpy, and below it was a ritual that allowed a strong mage to tame a harpy, even on its own will. I wasn't sure why, but something told me that I had to enlist the help of a harpy to succeed. I raced to the Covetous mountains. I armed my kryss and shield, and readied my reagents. My time in here would be quick if I could help it. In order to tame a harpy, I would have to understand its ways. Strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, tactics, agility, endurance, and even movement. I raced in, past as many harpies as I could, paralysing any obstacles on my way. Often the best fighting tactics don't involve fighting at all. I almost ran past the small corridor that leads to the ankh, but I heard a faint humming that seemed to be coming from its direction. I walked toward it, investigating; trying to distinguish the source of the noise. Suddenly, it stopped. The next thing I knew, I was brushed forward and a harpy behind me started attacking. Instinctively, I spun around and went to strike it with my kryss. I missed, and it knocked me back again. Something was wrong. I didn't feel like I was fighting another harpy. My combat swings and blocks had become hampered. All of a sudden, a strange feeling came over me, I dropped the kryss and shield, much to the harpy's bewilderment. She just looked at me, puzzled, almost ready to attack again. I felt magic coursing through my hands. It was almost as if I had no control over my body, and yet I had complete control. Behind me was the ankh, and now it had begun to glow. I looked at the harpy, and we were now eye-to-eye. I raised my hand in front of me, as if it was some food that I was about to feed the harpy with. As if it felt beckoned, it came up to my hand like a magnet, and touched it. I screamed. I felt a pain through my entire body. I knew what was happening. The effect was similar to a bless spell, only far more intense. The result would be permanent. I don't remember what happened next. I fell unconscious. I woke up outside Covetous. A woman in a robe was sitting over me, bandaging my wounds. A boy in dirty clothes was behind her, watching me. The healer spoke up. "How you feelin'?" "I'm fine.. what happened?" I asked a little defensively, but trying to hide it. "You were almost dead, Quenton." "I'm not afraid to die," I replied quickly. She gave me a coy look. She probably hears that kind of thing all the time. "Jimmy here was on his way to the mines." she gestured to the boy behind her. He looked curious, but a little shy, and a little scared. A quick evaluation led me to believe he was a newbie miner in a dungeon of monsters. "Jimmy, why were you inside Covetous?" I asked him, a little concerned. His shyness showed even in his words. "I was trying to get to new mines, built up top! I bin there lots of times.." He hesitated "I saw you in trouble.. your harpy helped me!" The healer broke in. "Your new friend saved Jimmy's life. In return it seems that she wanted Jimmy's help to save yours." I looked from the healer, to Jimmy, back to the healer. "What new friend?" I asked them. The healer pointed behind me. "Your harpy friend." "Ki ki ki" I slowly turned around. By the entrance of the dungeon stood a harpy. The same one at the ankh. She stared at me, and I stared at her. I remembered everything now. The harpy's name was Taleria. As Jimmy was helping me in the dungeon, Taleria was defending us with what could only be magical strength and intellect. I had tamed Taleria with magic. I didn't know why the Book of Truth had directed me to find Taleria as a new friend and an ally. I can understand Taleria's feelings easily, and she seems to understand everything i ask her to do. I have a rough understand of animals, but I don't know a lot about harpies. They are half bird, half human, and every harpy is born female. What I do know is that I am able to enhance communication with Taleria when I am mindful of my feelings and emotions. I have strong feelings that destiny may be playing a part in this. Part V - Further Investigation Before they left, I got up and asked Jimmy what was happening at the top of Covetous mountains. He explained that the miners in Minoc were expanding to the top of Covetous, in search of some rare ores. I was concerned that miners are not safe in the dungeon, but he was on his way to mark a rune at the mine, so that no deaths would occur. I told him I would go with him as an escort. He smiled and handed me my kryss. At the top, I took a look at the mine, which was somewhat crowded inside, but had a large workspace outside, ideal for blacksmithing. Jimmy assured me that they would be able to defend themselves if monsters occasionally leaked out of the dungeon. I wasn't really convinced, but they looked smart enough to leave if the monsters did begin to overrun the camp. I wished them well, and promised to return and visit. With nothing left to do, I went back to my camp to train my skills. The only thing left on my mind was why Siryn appear to me when I went to read the Book of Truth? It's not everyday a goddess approaches and speaks about the virtues for no obvious reason. I turned to Taleria. She was playing with Banana, probably trying to confuse her. Watching your pets play is what I find to be one of the joys of the world. Everytime I feel joy, I feel like something else in the day will come to smite it. I'm not sure how long this joy will last. My quest for the virtues will not end. I've made it my mission to show Britannia their good ways. I don't know how to do it, but I know it's still within them. Misunderstandings will be a thing of the past. Maybe some people won't learn. I don't know. I don't think I can fix the world. I'm only one man. I just hope I can make a difference. At least I know Britannia will live on. If nothing else, it helps that I will never forget that. Regardless of what I do, this quest is forever. I watched Taleria for a long time. I hope I can prove Siryn right.