Don't trust earthly wisdom.  Mortals make mistakes.  If you have a question,

The King of the Gods answers your questions.
Omnipotence is cool!

Links of the Gods

Sluggy Freelance:  Officially endorsed by Zeus as the finest daily comic strip online or off.  He recommends you start at the very beginning and read your way through.  Is it not nifty?

 Killfrog:  The funniest animations on the net.  Be sure to check out Little Susie #3 and Ultimate Survivor.  "Ultimate Survivor, unlike that lame-ass tv show, is a battle to the death."  Oooooh yeah!

 Mr. Cranky Rates the Movies:  Every movie, quite appropriately, is rated on a negative scale.  The highest rating possible is one bomb.  Hilarious reviews.

 Weird Links:  Links to the freakiest sites on the net.  Hours of bizarre entertainment.

 The Onion:  If you love parody, this site is for you.  At first glance, you'd think it's an online newspaper.  hehe.

 Home of the Underdogs:  An online library of under-rated games from past years.  Never had a chance to play the original Disc-World game?  Here you go.

 Joe Cartoon:  Brought to you by the creator of MicroGerbil 2000 and the original Frog in the Blender.  Funny, and very twisted.

WowFunny:  Jokes and funny pictures.  Can't go wrong!  The name says it all.

2Snakes:  Some interesting stuff.  Check it out!

OrangoMango:  Sign up and get some very funny stuff.  Original pranks pulled by Ron, mostly crank phone calls.  Low brow humor for the masses!

Richardland.comAn internet theme park, ala Richard.  "This guy's pretty damn smart... for a mortal."  ~Zeus

Ask the Big Brain: The Big Brain is only 99.99% reliable. (He thinks his site is better than Ask Zeus.  Silly Brain!)

Other Interesting and Fun Sites:

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