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Trick Or Treat(HomeBase,Oakland CA
Bubble Gum Sci Fi(Maritime Hall,SF CA)
Spring 2000 (Santa Clara Fairgrounds)
Geeky Freeky (Maritime Hall,SF CA)
Metropolis (Santa Clara Fairgrounds)
Electric Daisy Carnival (Tulare,CA)
Cyberfest 2000! (Fresno,CA)
Moonshine Over America (Oakland,CA)
Harmogeddon (Field Of Dreams,Chico,CA)
How Sweet It Is (Perris, CA)
Popsikle 3 (San Francisco, CA)
Metropolis 2001 (3 Com Park San Francisco, CA)
Electric Daisy Carnival 2001 (Los Angeles, CA)
Love Affair (Hotel Ibiza-Oakland, CA)
Name: Jeff Sugimura
Nicknames: MdmAzn, Sammyshark, JJ, LocHound, Jefferson, Short Stuff, Jeffy, J, Charlie.
Ethnicity: Japanese-American (Yonsei- fourth generation)
Status: Taken by Apple823
Car: 1991 Ford Mustang-Jet Black
Music: Hip-Hop, Rap, Trance, Korean
Drink: Kahlua & Cream, Hennessey, Lemon Soju
Non-Alcoholic:Chocolate Brownie Frappacino, Water
Sport: Pool(Did you doubt it?)
Place to Eat in L.A.: Noodle World (#111-Garlic Chicken)
Hotel: Gotta be a Marriott!
Colors: Black, Blue, Purple
Coast: West!
Place to Gamble: El Dorado, Reno or Flamingo, Las Vegas- playing
"Because money won is twice as sweet as money earned."
Incense: Jasmine
Rave Flaves: Green Clovers, Orange Tulips
Ice Cream: Mint Chocolate Chip


In the month of March 2000, I decided that if my hotel could raise $500 for the CHILDRENS' HOSPITAL OF OAKLAND, then I would shave my head. Well, guess what? They did it...and....I did it. So as of April 2, I now know how it feels to be bald! And for those who are curious, yes, I did cry. Here's a before and after picture of my new look and my buddy Allen who gladly helped to douse 25 years of grooming and hair care!

(with Cindy and Liana)

(with Allen)

Don:I've now joined your Bald and Sexy Club! Ya' gotta love it!!!!

Click here to see Jeff's Top 30 Movies!
My Crew:

Me and my baby, Cindy! Ain`t we cute?

CINDY: How is it that we can go through life, unsure if there is any possibility that we could even happen to meet the person that could fulfill all of our dreams? Suddenly, you reflect on your life and you know that you have. 2 years ago, that happened to me. It was you. It is you. It will be you. You've made me happier than anyone has ever made me. "I'm just at the beginning of loving you." Remember where that's from? It's true. I'll be there for you whenever you need me, wherever you are, and I know that we have the rest of our lives to enjoy each other. "Chances are", we'll be together forever! I love you baby. Wo eye nee. Kah may may ooh nye! Happy 2 year anniversary!

That`s me on the left with my boy Erich.

ERICH:aka. Charlie, Reggin, Birda, Dude, Felix, DLS, Mr570, Jambius: Here`s to all the years of friendship you`ve given to me! Who`d of thought we`d become such good friends after the rocky beginning with which our acquaintance began. You`ve become one of my best friends and I can always tell you anything, even the stupid things I do (you know of which I speak). From having my backpack tagged to raving together...from hanging out at the Palomares pool to hanging out in Korea...from Mahatma calls to LA road trips...from almost getting arrested at Great America to 4th of July's at Jack London Square...from 3 hour Christmas Gift Exchanges to all-night hangouts at your house...from my enemy to my best friend and distant relation now that our girlfriends are involved!!!! So what will it be? Kor Yun Sun Chung or ABC? Remember that I`ve got your back for life and I truly hope that I`ve been as good a friend to you as you have me.

LIANA:What can I say? I was just Erich`s friend to you and you were just Erich`s girlfriend to me once upon a time. Now it`s possible we could be third cousins-once removed-in law? You`ve been such a good friend to me, letting me use you for your Long`s discount and beads and your cousin!!!! J/P! Seriously, I truly appreciate your friendship! Thank you for always being there to talk to. I am eternally grateful for you putting everything in perspective for me! Congratulations on graduating from Berkeley!! I'm so proud of my cousin!!!!

Allen,Me,and Cindy at the Oakland Airport!

ALLEN:aka.Barley,Charlie,Milton Bradley,PeaceNigga,Spawn,Knight570:When you first met me, you probably thought that I was some jock baseball fanatic...but what about now? How many trips to the mall has it been? How many times to the O? How many raves? How many parties at Lenne's house? How many crazy nights at Erich's? How many prostitutes? Whoops, did I say that out loud? J/P. Anyway, thanks for always being there for me through thick and thin....always there to make me laugh and always down for a trip to ABC for some Sizzling House Special Black Pepper Beef Spaghetti Platter (no kidding, that's the real name of the dish!!) or to Fry's to buy some DVD's. Always with a new hairstyle to show off (now it's my turn to show off a "no-hairstyle"!) and always in a good mood! Here's to all of our years of friendship and here's to many more!!!!


Two extremely inebriated brothers

WON:aka.WonTon,Wonchetti,LightShowMaster,Noguri:Aren't you glad those days of "Cowboy Won" are over? C'mon, cowboy boots and a San Jose Sharks parka with tight jeans? Can I just say for all of us that your metamorphosis has left you well improved!! I remember one of the first times I met you in high school cuz my ex-girlfriend ran up to you, thinking you were me!!! Ever since, many have thought that we were brothers, and let me just say that you're one of the best brothers a guy could have, even though you've now lost so much weight and we don't look so similar I'm the heavy one! You're my confidant, my Reno partner in crime, and the raves just wouldn't be the same without you! Who the hell would give me my lightshow? I'll meet you at Kor Yun Sun Chung but you better not look like Noguri before I get there! Now take that icepack off your jaw. I think that the swelling has gone down!

Daniel,Josh,Lenne,Shane,and Allen kickin' it!

DANIEL: One of my oldest and dearest've had my back since day one. What can I say, the impact you've had on my life has been phenomenal. Even though you went and left us for four years halfway across the world, it taught me how much you can appreciate someone when they're gone. All is forgiven, now that you've come back and you've brought with you someone that complements you perfectly. Always remember our ABC nights, the first snow in Castro Valley (ok, it was hail), filming cop/mafia movies that would never get finished, all-nighters at Erich's, a trip to Reno in a rented van, house parties in the Tennyson place, house parties in the Forest Ave. place (both of 'em), house parties in the Santa Maria place...damn, you've been through more apartments than cars...or have you?, 10-15 Folsom, slaying in the streets of Seoul, getting me drunk for the very first time...I hope that you know that you've got a brother for life and whenever you need me I'll be there. You're one in a quit reading this...don't you have a pizza to deliver?

Click here to see Jeff's Hoo-Ah Girls (as in Al Pacino's "Hoo-AH!!!)

Kickin` it in China Town with the boys.(I`m at the bottom!)

Tha Boyz- GQstyle.

Allen,Megan,Josh and I kickin` it in Frisco.

The Christmas Crew of 2000!

Cindy and I with Allen Covert (you've probably seen him in most of Adam Sandler's movies!) He's coming out with a new movie in January called "Grandma's Boy". It was one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.'ve definitely got to see it!

Erich and Allen Covert..."Don't judge me, Monkey!"

Cindy with Adam Sandler's cronies (Jonathan Loughran, Allen Covert and Peter Dante) at a pre-screening exclusive of "Grandma's Boy"

Yours truly with Adam Sandler's cronies (Jonathan Loughran, Allen Covert and Peter Dante) at a pre-screening exclusive of "Grandma's Boy"

P.L.U.R. out from the MdmAzn! Come back soon. Thanks for stoppin` by!

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Three Things to Remember About Life

  • The more you think about things, the more you miss.
  • If you're always afraid to try, you'll never succeed.
  • Time has a way of working all things out.