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Family Page, part 2

So, here is another "Family page". For someone who really has no family, I seem to have lots now! :) These are more people who deserve to be mentioned as my family, and I love them very much.

My mother

My mom died when I was 5 years old. She was only 16 when she had me, and was so very young when she died. But everything I remember about her is beautiful, and wonderful. She was an amazing person. I look at myself now, and I just try to live my life in any manner that would make her proud of me. She definately deserves to be remembered, and she still is loved.

My Grandparents in law? Hee hee

This is my husband Paul's grandparents. They had been married for 60 years when this picture was taken. Imagine that! 60 years! Wow! So, I wanted to include them in here, as they both have been very kind to me. Unfortunately, Mimi passed away in February of this year. But Didi is still alive and well, and continues to be "Mr. Cuteness".

The best big brother anyone could ask for!

Okay, so we are not truly biologically related! But this is my wonderful, best friend Steve. We met less than a year ago, and he has become the best big brother anyone could ever hope for. He is every bit as much a part of my family as anyone, and I love him dearly. I hope you check out this new page Steve!! :)