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The Wedding!!!!!!

This was it!!!! The Big BIG day! After knowing each other for almost 3 years, and dating only 5 months....Here we are!! The wedding was on April 29th, 2001, the ceremony at 11am. It took place at Paul's boss' home in Truckee, California. What a beautiful place!! (You'll see a little of it). The day was warm and still and beautiful (Good for an outdoor wedding!)

So, the beginning....well, everyone was pretty much milling around, not sure what to do with themselves (well, except me and Colbee, who were running late!) But, then music came on.....a song that Paul had picked out, followed by one I had picked. Then we had a Carlos Santana song playing as Paul and his best man Mike went up front, and people were seated. After that there was a candle-lighting. Each of the guests was asked to select a candle for themselves, and one at a time, everyone came to the front and lit their candle.....a couple people lit candles for friends who couldn't make it. What a beautiful, lovely, hazard!! :) HEE HEE.

Then it's MY turn to come down the aisle.....I had no one to give me away, but figured, hey, I give myself right?? And so, I struggle down the lawn in these damn high heel shoes so I'm not two feet shorter than Paul...JUST WAITING to either trip and fall, or step on the dress, or for one of those dogs to come up to me and want to play! (more about THEM later!) But, I MADE IT to the front, while the "Forrest Gump" song was playing (Okay, first to say "how appropriate" gets hit!!!)

I remember so little, until it was time for vows, I was just looking at Paul, and he was half crying, and I was pretty lost too! SOOOOOOOOOOO amazingly emotional. It was small, not that many people there.....but it felt like it was just the two of us. I said my vows first, then Paul's (he is SOOOO sweet, he knows I love Dr. Seuss!!) Then, hey, good deal, rings, smooch, party!! Hee hee!

Had to deal with some picture taking, of course! But nothing too extreme. A couple rolls. didn't even matter at the end of the night. See, there were these two dogs there, that belonged to Paul's boss, and they were locked inside for the ceremony itself. But then, they came out and ate, and danced like the rest of us, and were really well-behaved. But Jake, the golden retriever, he kept taking off with people's purses! Hee hee, smart dog, huh? Well, at the end of the night, he took Paul's sister's purse, and when she went after him, he dropped it in the pool....HMMMM, it WAS pretty damn funny......till we realized that the film was in there!!! 3 rolls of film, in the freaking pool!! AERRRRGGHH!! So....we took it into a photo place, an actual photo/camera shop, and they are going to try to retrieve SOME of the pictures, if they can. Never invite four-legged friends to your wedding!!!! :) So anyway, the pictures from the first roll are on here, since it was the only one not floating! :)

Here is a list of the music we had for the ceremony...wish I could figure out how to link sound to a page like this...*Sigh* And trust me, there was PLENTY of Matchbox Twenty present in the reception! :) we had "Back 2 Good", "Long Day", "If You're Gone", "Black and White People", etc, along with Tabitha's Secret music, and of course, "Smooth"! :) Anyway, this page will be the main page, with the links to the picture pages on here. LOVE YOU!!!! :) Tabbie and Paul

Paul's chosen song: "Say Yes" by Elliot Smith

Tabaitha's chosen song: "I Believe In You and Me" by Whitney Houston

Playing during seating, and groom and best man appearance: "Samba Pa Ti" by Carlos Santana

During Candle Lighting: "Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini" by Rachmaninov

During Bride's walk: "Forrest Gump Suite" by Alan Silvestri

First "Married couple" dance: "Love Song" by the Cure

Dance with Paul's parents: "L-O-V-E" by Nat King Cole

Paul's dances with his sisters: "Wonderful" by Everclear, and "Stand by Me" by U2

Link to my Homepage

Tabaitha's home page

Links to the wedding photos!!

Invitation, Announcement, Vows
Wedding photos page 1
Wedding photos page 2
Wedding photos page 3
Wedding photos page 4