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Dedicated To My Mom

Tabaitha Serena M.......

This is a site dedicated to my mother, who I and the world lost at too young an age. The picture was done by me, and is my mom as I remember her...but she was much more beautiful than this, both physically and spiritually. The poem was also written by me, as a means to celebrate her life, rather than to mourn her death. She left this world on December 20, 1989.....But she has not left me, nor will she ever. I love you mom, for all you were, all you are, and all you never got to be. I hope I am able to live my life so that each day I am on this earth, I can do something to make you proud or make you smile....

Mystic Mother, where did you go?

Drifting in the ebb and flow.

Phantasm floating through the air

Never seen, but always there.

Omnipresent spirit soul

Filling that supporting role.

Always looking out for me

But never judging what you see.

Making my mistakes, it's true

I'm sure I've disappointed you.

But all I feel from you is love

Flowing down from up above.

Resenting you, as you may see

My life passing before me,

Wishing you could still be here

To guide my path, to lend an ear.

Loving you now, always it's true

Feeling you here in all I do,

I love you still, as you might know,

Just wishing you didn't choose to go.

In the scrapbook, of my heart,

We will never be apart

We'll continue chasing rainbows, as the stars light up the sky

In the scrapbook of my heart,

We will never be apart,

We'll continue holding hands, as we fly, just you and I.......

Dedicated to my mother, Kathryn Elaine...., Love Tabaitha