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I was invited to a party Dad

On the way your speech repeated in my head

You told me not to drink and drive

So I drank punch instead

I feel so good inside Dad

I did just what you would

I knew drinking wasn’t right

Even though my peers said I should

As the party ended

We all said our good-byes

I stopped at the stop sign

And rubbed my eyes

He must not have seen the sign Dad

He came through so fast

In just one moment, he hit me

And my fate was cast

I am now lying on the pavement Dad

And I can hear the policeman say

“What a shame, the man was drunk

And now this girl will pay”

I am holding on to my life Dad

As the world slips away

I see nothing but blood around me

But why will it end this way?

 I am scared Dad

Why am I paying this fine?

Death is on its way Dad

But the mistake was his, not mine

I heard the paramedic say

That the pain will end soon

But I can’t help but to disagree

The man who hit me has some cuts

But he wasn’t hurt badly

He can barely walk a straight line

Tomorrow he will be fine

Later I won’t be here

But that decision wasn’t mine

So tell my sister I love her

Tell mom to be strong

You were all there when I needed you

Through my every right and wrong

Let me ask one last question

Before I breathe my last breath away

Ask him if the drinks were worth

The price I have to pay


-Heidi Talbot-