~The Misdirectory~behind blue eyes

My Links, and some Good Links

Rehab For The Eddie Vedder Addict
G's Occasional Commentary {EdIToRiALs}
My Hole Directory
(Yet Another) Pearl Jam/Eddie Vedder Picture Gallery
My Favorites in Movies, Music, and Media
An X-Files Page
A Few Of My Favorite Bands...

Welcome to the Misdirectory. There is not much to say. We are only filling up space. This is a page for obsessives. Just so you know you're not alone. And this is a page with links to better pages. Welcome the the Misdirectory.

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Postscript: Thanks to Tracy for teaching me how to BEGIN to make a web page.

try to shut me up
put shut-me-ups on your own page!

h o l e m u s i c ( . ) c o m

try to shut me up
put rockstar shut-me-ups on your own page!