Touch Me Here.

This  Is  Not  For  You

Saca mi cerebro del frasco
solo, solo, solo
Se te sube a la cabeza
Sexo para ti
Canciones para mí
Te quiero hacer felíz
Quiero televisión
Dónde está el amor?
En la televisión

You are now in my space. You will follow my rules. This is not for you. Tread lightly.

Don't Take This Away

**Editor's Notes**

The current mood of at

Restless soul, enjoy your youth. Like Muhammad. Hits the truth. Can't escape from the common rule -
if you hate something don't you do it too. Too... Small my table. A-sits just two. Got so crowded. I can't make room. Oh where did they come from? Stormed my room. And you dare say it belongs to you. To you... This is not for you. All that's sacred comes from youth. Dedication. Naive and true. With no power. Nothing to do. I still remember. Why don't you? Don't you? This is not for you. Oh, never was for you. Fuck you. This is not for you. -PJ

  Last Updated: 02/10/03     First Created: 1/12/01     c. Tessa 2003   

This webpage is black because I like the color black. Angst want out the door years ago with the kittens.