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That's me at 1 years old I think.....I'm in the house in Taipei. I had ALOT of hair.
In fact, I had so much hair and I didn't want it parents just gave me this thing. I thought this was a pic of a girl baby when I saw it back when I was 6.














There's me at age 1 standing next to a Taiwanese goat. Yup, I'm at the Taipei zoo. Here's a fact, the Taiwanese goat could kick all the other countries goat ass in a 1 on 1 fight.











Me in my diapers at age 2 or 3 in the apartment in Boston. My dad was studying at Harvard come none of that wisdom was passed on to me?



I'm not sure where I am, but that's me and my Blue Bae Bae. I still have that blanket.....I need it to fall asleep.....oh, by the way, I'm 2. Yup, 14 years I have that blanket. It's all torn up and broken....but it's still the best blanket in the world.



There's me at the age of 2 in Boston, waiting for my one true love. I'm still waiting for her now. Don't worry lil buddy, she'll show up.