This website was created with happy thoughts (and a minimum of 1280x1024 resolution with 32 bit color) in mind.

It’s the *NSYNC boys!!!

Warning: We are in no way affiliated with *NSYNC. If we were, we sure as heck wouldn't be wasting our time doing this.

Other warning: We're not funny. Really, we're not. Our own mother thinks we're pathetic. But just the same, don't take anything we say seriously. It's a joke. Lighten up. If you LUV Justin or any of the other boys, leave now. If you're under 13, leave now. (In our experience, you youngins can't handle people who don't think Justin's God.) If not, well come on in.

You Are The th Person To Fall Victim To This Site
Since November The 11th, 2000.

You Have Our Pity.

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