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A Voice in the Wilderness

Updated 11/25/2000


I am A Voice in the Wilderness. You may call me Voice, AvitW, Jackass, whatever you like. I am a frequent poster at the philosophy forum of The Darwin Awards, and you may already know me by my lunatic ranting’s there.

Affiliations Clubs and sites that I am a member of.

Bio A very little about me.

Credits Those who have made my site more enjoyable by their works.

Darwins Radio Links A list of links I have used on the Darwin Awards site, plus some of those others have used that I thought were good. They are ordered by category. I have not looked at them in some time, so many be dead, while others might be misnamed or under the wrong category. Just let me know, and I will correct the problem.

Opinions Some rants I pounded out.

The List People in the news, and my general opinion of them.
The Good - I like these people.
The Bad - Dangerous, and possibly Evil.
The Ugly - If I never hear another word about these people, it will Still be to much.
The Dumb - Please, just shut up. These people are not nearly as smart as they think they are.