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Emily the Strange - yep, me.

Hi! I am 22 years old, diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder for four years or so. I also have a problem with self-injury and with an eating disorder. It's been a hard road that has caused me to question many of my fundamental beliefs but in the end my faith has become stronger - as have I. It may have been tough, and it still is as I fight urges to self-harm everyday and still deal with mood swings, but I have learned a lot through it all. It has taken a lot to come to the point of finally being ready to really help myself - although I have been on meds since I was diagnosed, I have only recently begun to really talk in therapy. I am hoping that discussing some of my "issues" will help me deal with this illness - and I think it will.

what else is there to me? i am, certainly, more than just an illness or set of symptoms.

WOC for bp!
MY page on cutting/self-injury :) *MAY trigger*
quilting, one of my hobbies
my life, my story - bipolar disorder
my life, my story - anorexia
My Dreams, Goals, and Aspirations
Shaelyn Pics!
Taryn, Alec, etc
my poetry... spoilered
my yahoo 360 page - updated *very* frequently
the REAL Emily the Strange products and games
Hot Topic online store
Special Thanks

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