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Weapon Like Stereo











Weapon Like Stereo are Chris Guitar/Vox, Tom Guitar/Vox, Matt Bass/Vox, Jack Drums

The beginnings of the band are short and humble. Chris (Vocalist, Guitarist) and friend Tommy (Guitarist), began to practise and throw musical ideas around, and shortly after, the band took shape. After some persuasive conversations with fellow "muso" Christian, he decided to play drums for the band.

Unfortunately Christian could not be available for practise and it was becoming increasingly obvious he would be unreliable and this could affect the band, so Tommy and Chris had a discussion and gave Christian a choice, make the next jam or don't worry about being involved. So with WLS being booked for a show we needed a replacement drummer to fill in. Our mate Jack decided to fill in for the band on drums.

At this point in time all members were doing other band projects. Tommy, Matt and Jack were in Project Hero and Chris was in a solo acoustic project and the band that would later develop into what is now WLS.

As time progressed, Tommy and Chris slowly but surely transferred all their efforts into WLS. Looking for a bassist, long time friend and fellow musician Matt was more than happy to join. Jack also became the full time drummer. All other musical ventures discontinued and they have never looked back.

It's hard to really pin point or categorise the band to one genre. So many bands and genres have influenced WLS. The music has spawned from the punk,rock,metal and emo scenes and their music has matured from the Pop Punk days of Project Hero. Chris' story-telling via his lyrics delve into personal pieces that deal with love, heartache and all the in-betweens.

2005 looks to be a great year, with gigs and recording their first album. The future looks promising for Weapon like Stereo.

Havent heard em check out a free listen here

Also check out the Official Weapon Like Stereo site here

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