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Sour Liquor has been going a year and a half now and is at its strongest, most unpredictable line-up now. Adz Burnett(Guitar & Vocals), James Norris(Guitar & Backing Vocals), Mike Dunbar (Bass) & Chris Hobbs (Drums).It all began when bassist Mike had the idea of starting a band, James played guitar and Mike and him were into rock like, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Blink 182, Feeder and Papa Roach. So Mike decided he wanted to get a bass for his birthday which was about a month away. A couple of weeks before Mike got his bass, Mike and James were skateboarding outside James' house and we heard someone playing drums. Mike asked who it was and James said that it was Adz Burnetts' Dad. A couple of minutes later Adz came out and asked if they liked his drumming. Mike and James asked him if he wanted to be in the band and he said yes. On the 1st of June Mike got his bass, a fender squier bass, with a Venom cable and a Fat Rat amp. They had there first practice and James was on Adzs' blue Ibanez electric guitar, as Adz also played guitar. They were at the time under the name of Cloudy Waters. After the first practice in which Mike played one note throughout the whole song, Adz decided to lock away his drumsticks and claim his guitar back from James. So we had no drummer and as James did not yet have an electric guitar(he had a spanish guitar) he had to play either Mikes' bass! or Adzs battery powered acoustic guitar. They made up flaming dreams, got lyrics for it and that was the first song pretty much done with Adz singing. Street Kid quickly followed, with Mike singing, James on Mikes' bass and Adz on guitar. Then the three of them went out onto Adzs' drive and played Flaming Dreams & Street Kid, freaking out everyone that passed by. Then Mike wrote the lyrics to No Mistakes and then he, James and Adz made up the music. James wrote the music for Pike which never got given lyrics. Mike wrote the lyrics for Because of You and he and Adz spent a whole day playing electric and acoustic versions of it. James wrote the music for Up The Elevator which never got given lyrics either. James and Adz made up a spanish song and then the three of them did a small, crummy absolutely poo little concert in James' back garden. Mike at that stage had had one bass lesson. Mike had a few more lessons and a few practices and quit. His reasons were that he felt he didn't have a part or role in the band, they had now about five songs as Adz had just made up You Don't Need to Know, Mike played in one song and played one note and sang the rest. Adz begged and begged and Mike came back on the condition he got given better bass parts and got to play in most of the songs. Mike and James wrote Black Magic, which never got given lyrics. They changed the name of the band to Silver Colt, and then to Silver Streak, they got James Grieves for one practice to play drums, then he quit. They battled on for a while, going abosolutely nowhere and then they got a guy called Chris Hobbs to join which gave them a boost and got them song writing again. They did Come As You Are by Nirvana as a cover. Mike wrote the words and music to Sad, their best song of the time. Mike wrote the lyrics to Handle This and James made the music. Then still as a four piece Mike wrote the music to Girl I Used To Know which never got given lyrics but became their best song. They Changed their name to So You've Herd! which was them going through a punk phase. James and Mike kicked Adz out as they weren't happy with the way he was being. Adz came back and then quit (due to fall out). Mike wrote the lyrics and music to Cancer Bomb, which never sounded any good. Mike quit and so then it was just James and Chris so they never had another practice. Months later James and Adz started jamming together doing some covers and a load of there own stuff, they had no drummer and no bassist. Mike was looking for a new band and was being very unsuccessful, until he went for a trial for a band who were called Synonym For Procreation he got in and then the other band members who were in either sixth form or year 11 decided that they wanted their old bassist back as he was more their own age and their singer-songwriter and obviously a bassist. Mike still was friends and skated with James, and Mike asked whether he could join their jamming band thing they said he could. The band had no name. They had a couple of songs but decided to scrap them. They decided none of there own songs until they've done a gig, they picked three cover songs each. They decided they wanted to be called Liquor but Mike prefered Sour Liquor.