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chad muska
Love to eat bannanas by the bunch
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Ok first of all I would like to thank some peoplez. Ok. I would like to thank my....peoplez for doin shit. Ok next to anyone who thinks they are better than me in checkers i would be more than happy to kick there ass at it. Next I like to talk about golf because golf is like what I do you know its like the 1+1=3. You know what I mean. Ok, so golf is a cool sport. I was once in a league, but I always got penalties for movin the good dam ball because the stupid people wouldnt clear up the golf course. I never one a tournament. I did kick a lot of peoplez asses though. My friend brandon was part of the deerwood club golf thngy and I challanged him to a golf game. Man it was so weird we would make the same exact hit on the balls and our balls would hit in the sam location. I mean it was nuts. We are like tellapathic or somethin. Anyway, what I dont like about golf is the sand traps. Those things are so hard to get out of. I mean I got 3 strokes off because of one sand trap. I mean they suck. So about a month ago I decided to stop playing golf because it was such an uptight game. So I started gettin into skateboarding. Man a skateboard is like defying gravity. Its sick what some people can do on a skateboard. Rodney Mullen is the best though. He is the all time person. He is so good. He can casper then promo, the to rail, then pogo, and then ollie off of a table in one combo. I mean he is sick. He is really good also. Man hes cool. And then theres chad muska. He is not only good at skateboarding but at his music even though in his records he doesnt really do any of the music (other people sing for him). Man biz markie is insine. That guy is good. Well enough about skateboarding, lets talk about football. My favorite team is the Philedephia eagles. They are tight. They got terrell owens. I bet that they are going to the super bowl and they are probably going to win it. How do I know this. BECAUSE IM PHYSICIC. OK. Peace check my other pages. They are tight