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Cloti. Reffie and a tad Anti-Rinoa


Reno and Yuffie レノとュフィ
Cloud and Tifa クラウドとティフア 
Media section 音楽
Anti-Rinoa section!サイトに リノアきらい!
Vote in the polls! あなたのいけん
Fanfiction 読みたいか?
Not for real, just for fun. Click^^

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 よこうそ!^^This page will be for the greatest games series, and mostly The pairing Cloud/Tifa and Reno/Yuffie from FFVII. It also has a Rinoaーhate section. りノア きらい。


Ok, to start fresh here, today June 23rd, 2006.

おひさしぶりね よこうそ。FANFICTION IS ADDED^^ I don`t think I`ll be updating much anymore soon、Just a few minor ones here and there. What`s new? Well, the last months I`ve been attending annew High School, Takefu Higashi in Fukui, 6 hours from Tokyo, and am studying for my life.^^I can‘t speak fluently Japanese yet though. However, I`ll pop in now and then, and I want to say thank you to all who`ve bothered to go here, yes even Rinoa lovers who are not too pleased with the anti Rinoa section.^^ Thank you very much for coming. 私はとても嬉です、だから いっぱい人私のサイトを来ました。ありがとうございました。 またね。サンドラーより