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Welcome to the Pink Porkchops website. Safe.

We are a band from the Forest of Dean who play a mix of hardcore punk, ska and dub with some other stuff thrown in. I made this shitty website cos we need one. It's not gonna have any flashy shit and what-have-you, so get used to it. You might as well fuckin click on some of the bits under navigation to find your way about the place. When some news or updates are about I'll put them somewhere around this area, so keep those eyes peeled.

Safety, Leggey Reem

LAST UPDATED - 24/03/06

24/03/06 - Gigs page updated.
18/02/06 - Gigs page updated. We're playing 'The Great Wreck'n'Roll Cirkus' in Bristol next Saturday. Go to for more info. Plus we have a review of our gig at Coleford Music Festival last year in issue 5 of Fast n Loud zine.
08/01/06 - Added some gigs to the gigs page. If you want a DVD for cheaper than on the SCRAP website (we're selling them for a fiver each) you can contact one of us, there's a new number for Sam on the contact page.
21/12/05 - Evening all, I apologise for the lack of updates but there hasn't been all that much happening with the band as of late. Finally the SCRAP Records compilation DVD has been released and is available to buy here. It has a video for our song 'The Suit' on it aswell as loads of other videos and strange stuff. We have a gig some time in mid January at Lydney Football Club, I'll put it up on the gigs page when I know the exact date.
24/10/05 - Gigs page updated. We have an interview for a Bristol magazine some time this weekend. Some of you may have seen the most positive article ever written about us in The Forester this week. Drive on Simon and Laggey. Oh yes.
11/10/05 - I've put a new track up for your downloading pleasure. Have a listen to it at our hxcmp3 site. It's called Gonna Fuck You Up, and it may well do just that. Not a lot of gigs recently (don't worry we're working on it) but lots of other stuff happening at base camp. Can't be bothered to go into it all but I'll let you know good time. Stuff is moving along with the DVD, that's all im saying for now.