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<<<--Dog stuff-->>>
Tuesday, 14/06/2005
Trick 2, "Zig-Zag" (between your legs)
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Tricks
This is a fun exercise for you and your dog, and it is great to warm up with before you enter the agility-ring!!

1. Have a treat in both hands, and get your dog's attention.

2. Make him heel, and then take a long step with your right foot. Take the treat in your right hand, under your leg, so your dog goes between your legs.

3. Praise him if he does it right, but ignore him if he tries to go around you instead. Just try again! ;) Now, if you get him past your right leg, you can try to take a step with your left leg, and do the same there.

4. When he can go between your legs from left and right, and from right to left, choose a command like "Zig-zag" or something.

Good Luck!

pinkpitbull at 14:39 MEST
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Monday, 13/06/2005
Trick 1, "Teddybear"
Mood:  bright
Topic: Tricks
On this webpage I'm going to have some dogtricks, so I may as well get started right now!! :D

Okey, here I'm going to try to explain how to teach YOUR dog the cute teddybear-position:

1. Make your dog sit down and focus on you.

2. Take a treat in your hand and take it about 7 inches over you dog's head so he just can't reach it.

3. Hold your hand above his head until he sits upright to get the treat. If he raises both his front legs, without lifting his backpart, praise him and give him the treat before he sits down.

4. Repeat this untill you are sure he understands it. Then you can start saying "sit Teddy" or "be cute" or whatever command you wish to choose. The sky's the limit!! ;)
When you are sure he understands the command, you try to slowly remove the handmovement above his head. If it doesn't work, then just continue untill HE knowns the command for sure.

Remember: Timing is important!

pinkpitbull at 22:39 MEST
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About me and my dogs
Mood:  happy
Topic: About
Hello! Welcome to my webpage/blog.

Here is some info on me and my dogs:

I was born in 1991, and since 1999 I've had dogs. Dogs are my life. I train agility about twice a week, and do trials in the weekends. Even some dogshows with my showdog :P

About Willma (06/08/99), American Cocker Spaniel

Willma is my little baby, and she is with me almost all the time exept school, of course. She goes competitions in the highest class. I've trained her up all alone since 2000. Willma can do lots of tricks like zig-zag between my legs and stuff. She is sooooo cute!!

About Carillo Applying For Joy/ JoJo (15/07/04), American Cocker

JoJo has just started training agility and she's doing great! I have big expectations for her!! :P Though she has "Rage-syndrom" she is still a beautiful dog at home, as well as in shows. JoJo has a great coat which we have to groom every SINGLE day, so I'm looking forward to the day her show-carrier is over and we can get rid of that coat.... ;)

pinkpitbull at 21:54 MEST
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