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Im Stoned
Larahhh <3
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Jon's Blog
Saturday, 8 January 2005

Mood:  lazy
Topic: Party/Gathering
Yesterday I got KAINED!

School was ok yesterday, had mostly good lessons --> food practical (I made really yummy apple sauce cake!), PAL (we had to make up a party to be elected - our manefestos were to legalise canabis, ban berbury and make policemen friendly hippy people!) I also had volleyball and Drama :)

Jason met me after school and asked if I wanted to go to the Bull with him. I went home got changed and told my rents I was goign to Jasons, then got the next bus to Bracknell and met him. We had 2 pints down the Bull, then we were going to go to the manner for a pint but ason didn't get served. So then we decided to meet up with Phil in popes for a spliff and got some beer and knocked on Sam on the way. It was too windy to rool, so we rolled at Sams and then we had a joint on da way to the garage.

Im not entirely sure what happened after this... but I think we had another joint, then went to some party in jubilee (after stopping for another joint in a phonebox!!) There were a few pikes at the party, but it still seemed ok. Me and Sam got chips, then Jason went hoemand we went to Phils house.

I was preety kained the whole I saw James (Fitsgerald???) who I hadn't seen in ages, then went home at about 10:45.

Posted by Jon Date at 11:14 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 5 January 2005

Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: The Drugs Don't Work - The Verve
Topic: Im Stoned

My last day of freedom before school :-( Had to get up early so I can go to Reading with Larahhh, Lawra and Kaat after I had to get my hair cut :-( My hair doesn't look to bad, I didn't get much cut off :-)

I meet everyone on the train. When we got to Reading we wandered around the shops and then went to Maccy D's Then Kaat and Lawra ditched us! Larahhh thought it was 'cos Kaat and Lawra didn't like her! But we later found out they had a valid reason :-/ I bought some stuufs with Larahhh including a grinder and guitar case then we went to Dellas and I picked up some hash :-D (onli got hash 'cos they didnt have any 10 bags of skunk)

We got the train back to Bracknell and had a joint by teletubbie hills. It was the first time Larahhh got stoned. We were only a bit mellow but i think she enjoyed it :-) Then we shilled out together and got some munch.


First day back at school! *Fun fun!* Getting up early was nasty. 'Twas good seeing everyone again Lora, Jay, Piggy, Charli, Ash etc... luv u guys :-P

I texted Larahhh abit durig the day :-) Everyone says I talk about her too much... ooops *obsessed child*

On the bus on the way home from school, Phil rang me and asked me if I wanted to go out for a joint. I got home, had some food, got changed and went over to Phil's. We had a joint, ran into some mini-pikes who Phil tried to get food off (LOL!). Then I bought 8 'one pence sweets' which was... funny. We crashed at Phil's house and I made up a cool guitar riff! Me and Phil jamming was well fun!!!

Posted by Jon Date at 7:13 PM GMT
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Monday, 3 January 2005
Larahhh's House
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Superman - Goldfinger
Topic: Larahhh <3

Mum and Dad had everyone in Caswall Close round for drinks. I played with Eddy and Harry (they are 4 and 6 and really kool and hyper!) We all hid from there parents at the end when they were supposed to go, it was really funny.At the end, I took the piss out of Mum for throwing 'such a great party!


Mumsy had people round (again!)for lunch. They were her friends from when she went to Nigeria to teach. Phil and his friend knocked on me today at about 2:00, I was hoping that they had my ganga, but they didn't get it yesterday as there dealer was down the pub. Insted I treacked it up to Popes Medow with them as they said someon was meeting them there, but just before we got there, Phil rang the guy to check, and he wasn't coming! I had a ciggerette, went to Phil's for a couple of minuites, then went back to mine for a lift to Larahhh's <3 a

Got to Larahhh's at 4:25 ish and was greeted by being sprayed with bubbles and cleaning stuff by Lawra and Larahhh! It was really cool 2 begin with, but they kept spraying me and talking about me, and putting bubble mixture in my beer and tickiling me and ganging up on me and telling me they didn't like me! I had a minor falling out with Larahhh, buts it was all kool and we got stuf sortd out by the end of the evening. I got picked up by Lawra's mummy at 9:00 and went home.

Buts.. I luv Larahhh lots and lots 'cos she is ultimatly kool and sexy!

Posted by Jon Date at 9:41 PM GMT
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Sunday, 2 January 2005
Goddamn Parents
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: True Belivers - Bouncing Souls
This morning

Grrr... I'm really bored 'cos my parents wouldn't let me go to Wosehill with Phil because they have guests coming round this evening even though I said I would be back in time. We were going to go and pick up and smoke together. He's going on his own and he's bringing me back a ten bag this evening :)

I've been watching family guy and texting Larahhh - I heart her lots :) Then decided to go and play some guitar, so I came on the comp to get tabs!


I went to Larahhh's at about 2:30. We chilled out and watched ants and my little pony!!! LOL! Shes sooo kool and I heart her lots and being with her was really cool. Then we had pizza and chips and I got picked up at 8:00 by my mumsy!

Posted by Jon Date at 4:03 PM GMT
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Saturday, 1 January 2005
New Years Day
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: The Drugs Don't Work - The Verve
Topic: Party/Gathering

Happy New Year Everyone! This is my first post!

Last night was goood :) Im jst chilling out atm and I'm really tierd and monged out! Last nite was soo fun...

Phil's Dad picked me up at about 6:45 to take Phil and I to Nadia's house in Crown Wood. We saw Nadia and Yasmin near her house and then a minuite or so later - Sam, Jason and Jay turned up. Jay was really drunk, apparently he was crying earlier!

We sat inside Nadia's Dining room and I rolled a really cool and phat magic carpet! Phil made another joint, and everyone apart from Yasmin and Jay were smoking them, we were soo kained!

After the joint's some people went to the kebab van to get munchies!

Most of the evning past this was a blur.. but we had a few more joints and then monged out infront of some really random dance music with kool vidios on the sofa!

At about 9:30 Jason, Jay and I went to Jimi's! He was having a party 'cos his rents had gone out. It was really fun. Lora was paraletic and loads ppl were really drunk and Jimi kept trying to kiss me! We had anotehr joint with everyone and then me and Jason went back to Nadias at about 11:00 to see her, Yasmin, Sam and phil.

We had another couple of joints and I was quite fuked by this point! We celebrated midnight in Nadia's garden with funky fireworks!

We monged out for a bit 'til everyone had to go home at 1:00. Me and Phil got picked up to sleep round mine, we were still quite stoned in the car on the way back! Jason had to walk back to Bracknell and Sam, Annie and Jay had to walk back to Sam's house (Jay lives at Sam's 'cos he is a drunken hobo! Luv ya Jay xx) Nadia was really paranoid they were gonna get mugged etc.! It was funny but poor Nadia, bless her! Cheers for the gathering Nads!

When we got home, Phil and I monged out to the Specials and fell asleep. This morning I grabbed some breakfast and have been lazing around!

Hopefully I'm seeing Larahhh this afternoon, I luv her sooo mch :)

Posted by Jon Date at 11:40 AM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 1 January 2005 11:44 AM GMT
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