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Our Graduation Party

Scene: Mary Grinter's home
Date: May 29, 2005

the invite

swing life away.... sam, meghan, some guy (mike?)

cait from the back...what's in the cup? why is her back all scratched? could there be a correlation???

kaitlyn. the youngest party-goer. responsible for a bucket of (quasi-)contraband water balloons.

lauren. you can never be too sure with her.

twister or group orgy? you decide.


i don't even know.

dude. i don't think mary likes it. or else she's about to barf. either way, i'd back away quickly.

danny, nathan, caitlin, mary, kaitlyn. swing swing swing.

james & cody. did they know each other? no. but they shared a bench, gosh darn it.

aww cute profile picture of miss mary. look how long her hair is!

james & joe franz joe beneath a break in the clouds. joe is wearing an orchestra shirt, but he's just a wanna-be.

caitlin + danny + green wading pool with flower petals rubber duckies = great joy.

you would think caitlin would have noticed this picture being taken....

quite possibly the best photograph from the party. mary picking out the best veggies to share with friends--yummm.

friends by the stairs. close enough to the food to refuel, close enough to the door to make a quick break for it.


'how does my haaaair look?' inquired eric.

caitlin = good. food = good. cleavage = awwwwkward.

'eat the damn vegetable!'

nope, not so sure.

FEET! and someone has quite the shoe tan line, hehehe.

mr. wrolstead! he brought us together. we hated one another when he forced us to be stand partners/section leaders in 8th grade...but that decision of his led to our amazing friendship! i bet he regretted it, though, because we never shut up in class, even once we weren't stand partners anymore.



classic vincent.... those pinwheels used to be fruit kabobs, yum.

joe's little brother (the middle little brother, not the youngest, evil one) made this fellow. we were over at his house and helped him pick out the pieces for a head, mouth, sword, and sword holder, and then we convinced him to give the guy to us. we named him melvin. and that's our BOARD in the background. we worked super hard on it, and way late into the night....

words are not needed. this pretty much sums up all of them.....


mary says: 'i hate caitlin. i hope she dies.'
caitlin says: 'i wonder if there are anymore drugs around here???'

ryan is a rockstar, so mary is signing his chest. wait, that's backwards, isn't it.... but he can't really sign her chest.... well, he could, but it could be weird. and we probably wouldn't be able to put up a picture of it....

even tyler made it to our party, despite the fact that he was in england! pictured here: ryan's arm, cardboard tyler, caitlin, joe q, caitlin's mother.

caitlin. not as cool of a profile of her.

'hey, you can see down her shirt!' 'you're not supposed to say anything until AFTER we take the picture!' doesn't danny look good with a girls' necklace?

vincent crossed the 'no crossing' line and went upstairs. look at those hooligans. and mary's legs appear to be broken, or else breaking the laws of physics or some such thing. oh well. at least her skirt looks cool.

the party was supposed to end at 8...but a group of boys stayed until 3 am! we were very very sleepy, 'cause planning, preparing for, and having a party are hard work!

sam, mary's brother, deep in thought.

duck hunt! or clay shooting! and wanting to be like vincent, apparently.

england came, too.