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DENEE'S CORNER ||| !MY LITTLE BLACK BOOK! ||| RANTS OF THE MOMENT ||| A site with good poetry and writing ||| JOURNAL ||| My page on politics |||
Hello and Welcome to my homepage. I've created this site to share a little about myself to friends, old and new. You might think "what a vain person..always talking about herself". I must confess this particular page has a little about me but focuses more on what I feel strongly about. I'm tying to reach out to other open minded people and celibrate the diversity of our planet.

Well a little about me then. I'm 23 years old and I live in Kent Ohio, the armpit of this country. I have this deep hunger for knowledge that never seems to fill itself. I'm always looking for an answer to the unexplainable. I live my life fighting for equality and freedom from the hands of close minded, conservative, raciest, pigs...(also known as the Bush Administration, and anyone else who strives to make people a lesser of a race). I believe strongly that every person is equal and deserves the same treatment and care as the "white hetorosexual individual".

Unfortunatly this country has been deeply cut down the middle. We have been seperated by people who don't really care about the welfare of our countries inhabitants. Homosexuals have always been denied the rights of everyone else, but now more than ever. We have been denied marriage, benefits and many other rights. Why is this? Why have we been made a lesser species? Do we not pay taxes, help our community, and deserve equality?

Homosexuals are everywhere. They are normal people you might see shopping next to you at your favorite grocery store. You see them dropping their children off at school, giving them a hug and kiss goodbye. They are that sweet woman or man working at their desk next to you. They might even be someone in your family or your best friend. They work in our police stations, firehouses, schools, and hospitals. Take time to get to know us. We are just like evryone else, with dreams and hopes and ambitions. WE DON'T HATE YOU FOR YOUR SEXUAL PREFRENCE! And to any gay people that might come across my site, don't give up fighting and NEVER for one moment think that your single voice doesn't matter. IT DOES! Your voice is the most important thing you have. If you belive that we desearve equality then stand up and use your voice..your power...DON'T EVER GIVE UP HOPE.

I hope you enjoy my site. It is constantly so don't mind the mess. This site has only been up for about a week and I find myself constantly changing the look of it. I just can't seem to get it to look the way I want. Ideas and/or comments are always encouraged and feel free to sign my guestbook. Again thanks for stopping by and have fun!!!
