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Heh. . .Yup, that's my new nickname amongst my parents. Why? Well. . .My friend Christina and I had been planning a double date with her boyfriend and her boyfriends friend(O.o)for about a week or so and planned it for Saturday. I had told my parents about it but as usual, they never seem to hear a word i'm saying, so they didn't catch it. Anyways, I get to her house on Friday, spend the night, and get ready on Saturday, and leave. We watched War of the Worlds and Mr. and Mrs. Smith, everything was going great, but we were abit hungry. . .I mean, it was, 1:30/2am or something like that, so we head out to get food. The line to get out of the drive in was huge, so we didn't get out until after 2.

Since the only place open at the time, and the closest place, was 7-11 we went there to get a snack, which only took alittle bit. Though, since Cameron(Christina's boyfriend) didn't find the sub sandwhich he wanted at the 7-11 we went to, we went to two others which took even SHORTER then the first stop. We stop to eat and head home. . .but thanks to my friends stupid mother, she woke up my parents at 3am just because she was worried about us when she could've called Cameron directly. So...She pissess off my parents and forces them to come get me and take me home because all of a sudden it's all my fault, as usual, and that pissess off my parents even MORE which forces them to take their anger out on me.

Now i'm banned from going over to her house again, and vice versa. . .I hate being tied down by the law of parents -___- "..." Shoot me, please~

QUICK NOTE : I plan on changing this layout pretty soon so exspect something new! ^---^ The only thing keeping me sane is probably this site.

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KYAAA~ I'm Kurogane?!

I was recently infromed from my dad himself that he may have something called "Golf Syndrome". It consists of about a billion different deseases and it's slowing down my poor dad. Good thing is he's not going to die but the news that upset me the most is that it's not even his fault he has it. Many war/or whatever veterans are getting this desease now because of previous exsposure to the chemicals that were displaces while in the Persian Gulf at the time, and my dad just happen to be shipped over there when that was going on...

I'm MAJOR pissed at the goverment right now, god forbid, but I have every right. . .right? If any of your dad's or mom's have it, tell them i'm sorry. . .It must really suck!!! >_<

IMPORTANT NOTE: from what i've learned that with this layout, I'm only able to post two or three times. . .So until I change the layout you can only read from up to two days, sorry. Though, if you DO want to read before the posts you see, e-mail me and i'll send them to you! ^--^

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