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 Journal Entries....


[Date: 06/21/04]

[Time: 1:12 PM EST]

[Music: Lost Prophets - Make a Move

[Mood: Bleh...]



Yeah, I'm guessing things are okay...But I've been pretty blah lately. And since Pitas, Diary Land, and Xanga diary is converted to Angel Fire. Yuck. Anyway, I've been acting depressed. Probably cause I'm worried, about what, I don't know. But thankfully, I'll be on vacation is California in 13 days, so I should be Okay then. He he. I've noticed that I've been writing a lot of lyrics for our band about love and break ups. -.- AHHH! I hate being so BLAAAH! I'm about to SCREAM! FUCK! o.o....


*cough* Ahem...Okay now I HAVE TO SCREAAM! I'm so pissed off right now. Why can't Andrew answer is phone instead of Lauren. Lauren is his cousin, we have a feud. God I fucking hate....ugh. What's WRONG with him?! Jesus FUCK! AAACCCHHHKKKK! Sometimes I just feel like punching everyone. I just fucking hate so many things. And and and you know what? There's something wrong with me. I seriously need time to think. And all things I'm angry about I'm shutting out for a while. Everything I'm angry at. When I'm done trying to figure out what's wrong, I'll talk again. I'm not saying I hate them, I just need some time to think. I'm confused. I need to talk to Andrew about us....I would if he would stop being so...I don't know. Whatever.








 Credits [arigatuo]


Layout design by  Maya. Found at Day Dream

Image source: Anime





My Random World

Change The World

Ground Level

Albino Black Sheep

Seeing Jesus

The French Erotic Film

Tuxedo Chat

Atilla Fan Club




 About me...


Name: Shawn

Alias: Bob, Shawnitha, Shawnie, Ri-chan

Age: 13

Sex: Female

D.O.B: July 18, 2004

Hair Colour: Brown/Red with blonde streaks

Eye Colour: Golden Brown

Piercing: 2 holes in each ear, belly button, and I'm piercing my nose when I go to California.

Hobbies: Art. 

Loves: Andrew F. ( i really do.), My friends, God?

Hates: Myself...and a lot more things.

Quote: If you can make life a stage for me, I hope you can hear me scream. ~Scooter of Cold

Random Fact: I once hit on a telemarketer

Other: Fuck you. 








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