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Doyle's Site!



The Dis-Lexi Site. Check it out and sign the guest book saying what you think of her.

Here are some friends of mine.

Here are some pictures that i took of other skaters.

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Doyles Site!

Whats up Dawg...

Hey this is Doyle. My motto in life is this. "Life’s a bitch and then you die." I don’t know why anyone tries in life, because at the end you die anyway. We all have a short life, live a little, party. I mean if everyone stopped working and everything it would be awesome, cause everything would be free, and if it wasn’t they would go out of business. So I say all you old hags out there, Don't work; PARTY!!! .

Well let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am 14 years old, have a permit. I live in Parkersburg, Iowa. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister; all of them are older than me. Um, my parents got divorced when I was 12 years old. They both live in the same town though. My mom lives in the trailer park, and my dad still lives where I have always lived. If you fucking call me trailer park trash i will kick your ass. I stay at my Moms Sunday night through Thursday and then after school Thursday I go to my dads tell Sunday night. I go to Aplington-Parkersburg Middle School. This is my last year here, which is unless I get held back. I don’t really know weather or not I like my school or not. I guess sometimes it can be alright but yet sometimes I hate it and want to move somewhere else cause i guess sometimes, well a lot of times life is a pain in the ass.

I have a lot of friends; well at least I thought I did. I guess I figured that out when people don’t want to hang out with me because I guess I am an ass hole. I am who I am, people liked the way I was before but all of a sudden I am the ass hole that people only talk to when they need help. I mean i wouldn’t mind a little change in myself but some of you guys are asking too much of me and want me to take a big step from stop being perverted and stop swearing and stuff like that. If you want me to change you need to not ask so much of me at one time and also you need to help me out a bit. I can't do this all on my own.

One thing I can't stand is Gays. If you gay, you might want to get out of this webpage now. In the bible it saids that if you are a homosexual you will go to hell when you pass away. I am very happy that it says that. And for those of you who think that being a homosexual is part of your genes, you are way fucking off. The only genes that make you gay are tight ones. If i had a good friend that told me that they are a homosexual i would turn and walk away and ignore them for the rest of my life.

Shalee is doing it with D. She needs to hear more modest mouse. She lives in Kansas City. She used to cheerlead. Her parents wont accept D. She likes to masturbate during the night, and once a week during the day. She is really hot. D has a lot of spanking to give her.

I.M. me, my screen name is In Too Deep066

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C:\Program Files\Ares\My Shared Folder\Eminem - Encore - Evil Deeds (Produced By Dr Dre).mp3