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Have you ever done something and not remembered? Well that was the case in this story, two people got very drunk and did something they shouldn't have. Only now they can't make it go away. They have to go along with it for a while. What happens when the two end up nearly killing eachother? What happens when they fall for eachother?

The Morning After
The Situation
The Time Out
Meeting Some Family
Seeing a show and a Sister
Somethings Take Time
Being at Home
In The Pool
Mrs. Bouvier
Some Wedding Talk
A Roll In The Hay
Great News Reveled
The Fitting
The Wedding
The Start of The Holidays
A Good Time, Goes Bad
Moving To A New Home
The Holidays Get A Little Better
A New Love Blooms
Being Pregnant Causes Mood Swings
Naps are the Best
A Bundle Of Joy