
Victoria and Raven tried to screw Beulah out of her title match at Massacre, but was unsuccessful. Now on Massacre Victoria goes one on one with Beulah in a No Holds Barred Match. The stipulation for this match is if Victoria wins she face Beulah next week for her newly won title.


[[scene #1 / ringside / JR and King Does Commentary!!]]

...::: The camera comes on to JR and Jerry "The King" Lawler as they are talking about Wednesday Nite Massacre. The crowd is to a muffle as you can here people talking, the drunks yelling and having a blast during the matches and promos. Then the commentators begin to speak. :::...

.:: Good Ol' JR ::. Jim Ross
Well folks this is the DWA the best federation out there today. This Wednesday, our very own Victoria goes one on one with Beulah in a No Holds Barred Match. You know what King, I'm starting to feel bad for Beulah because we don't know what Victoria is capable of. I hear that she is DANGEROUS!!

.:: The King ::. Jerry Lawler
Yeah I mean she is dangerous. I seen her wrestle man that girl is tough. I can't wait to see the PUPPIES in action woooo. I hope Victoria doesn't hurt Beulah that bad. Since its a No Holds Barred anything can happen with Victoria in that match. There could be a possible chance that Victoria wil dominate the Women's Division and if she does every woman here is in trouble!!!

.:: Good Ol' JR ::. Jim Ross
Yeah I bet they will King. Anyway, we have Terri waiting in the parking lot for Victoria's arrival!!!

[[scene #2/ parking lot /interview!!]]

...::: Just then the camera focus in the parking lot where Terri is waiting with a mic. A Limo pulls up and suddenly stops. A pair of tan legs are seen as the door flung open. The Woman stands and it appears to be Victoria and right behind her is Raven. Terri walks up to them and interviews them. :::...

.:: The Sultry She-Devil ::. Terri Runnels
Welcome to the DWA Victoria and I bet we are all glad to have you here. Now you have a match here in the DWA in a No Holds Barred match against Beulah, maybe I can have your comments on the match please.

.:: The Psycho Vixxen Beauty ::. Victoria
Well, Terri that bimbo won't stand against the most DANGEROUS Diva in this world today. I will tear her apart like it was nothing!! Why because that bitch is NOTHING, they never was nothing and thats ashame!! Yea she may be the Woman's Champion and thats because I allowed it. If I didn't want her to win the title, I could of screwed her, but I didn't. I want to get my hands on her and take something from her like she took away from Raven, his love. He loved her Terri, but what the bitch say, she doesn't love him. Who cares about Tommy Dreamer, he looks like a faggot anyway. Raven was hurt and he brought me here to get revenge on her. He may have broken her ribs, but I'm gonna break some more bones on her. She won't last in the ring with me and I'm damn sure of it. No one can last in the ring with me, if you seen me in WWE Trish couldn't last, Stacy couldn't last, Lita couldn't last, Molly couldn't last, none of the divas couldn't last with me. Beulah won't be no different. She can go around and tell you, JR, King, Lilian, the crew or whoever that she can whupp my ass. She need to know that I don't play, this is not a time for games and definitely not a time to joke around!!! Believe me Terri that ass will be kicked down once I get in her face. Beulah ((begins to smile her sadistic smile)), she can fight so she say, but I can to. But, I know for sure that taking her out will be no hard work. This No Hold Barred is right up my alley. I will dominate in this match. Once I win this match, I will face the batter, bruised, hurt Beulah next week and destory her for the Woman's Title. Then I will go on to Un-Holy and face the #1 Contender and destory her like I did Beulah. I will make sure they share a room together in the hospital so they can chat about how they lost to me. I will make her fear me so much that she will cry if she has to face me again. I'm not afraid of her or any diva for that matter. They can spit in my face all they want, but what they don't know is I can knock them the fuck out!! As far as the person winning the match will be me. She can think I'm playing around, but she will find out that I'm playing when I bust her fake face open. I will make each diva bleed if they dare get in my way and thats just the way I am. If I have to bust up Beulah no problem because I LOVE to see people bleed especially if I make them bleed. That's the fun thing fighting pathetic divas is when I make them bleed and I can make them bleed all day and I won't get tried of it. So the match this Wedneday will be fun because Beulah is entering HELL!!!

.:: Man With No Heart ::. Raven
Terri, Victoria will destory Beulah. We might not see Beulah here in the DWA after this No Hold Barred Match. I will make sure we don't see her anymore.

...::: Victoria smiles again thinking not seeing Beulah no more in the DWA after their match. Victoria and Raven walks into the arena as they leave Terri shaking in her shoes!! DWA cuts to a commerical. :::...

[[scene #3 / locker room / Victoria and Raven are talking!!]]

...::: The commercial ends we see Victoria and Raven in Victoria's locker room. They start conversating about Victoria's match. :::...

.:: The Psycho Vixxen Beauty ::. Victoria
Hope you don't mind me destorying your precious first love.

.:: Man With No Heart ::. Raven
No I don't mind. You do what you gotta do. Beulah will pay for what she done to me. But you must do me a favor.

.:: The Psycho Vixxen Beauty ::. Victoria
And what must that be.

.:: Man With No Heart ::. Raven
Make her bleed. Make her feel pain. Make sure she is carried away on a stretcher.

.:: The Psycho Vixxen Beauty ::. Victoria
That favor can be done. I'm gonna do a promo, I'll be back.

...::: Victoria smiles in the camera as she walks out her locker room letting the door slam hard. Victoria walks to the black curtain and sees a mirror and looks at it. She sees a picture of Beulah behind her. She grabs it and tears her head off. Victoria begins to laugh as she waits for her theme music to play. :::...

[[scene #4 / in the ring / Promo time!!]]

...::: Just then "All The Things She Said" by T.a.T.u blast over the PA Speakers. Victoria appears on the top ramp with Beulah's head in her hand. Victoria makes her way down to the ring. Victoria walks up the steel steps and goes under the bottom rope. She stands in the corner with the head in her hand as Lilian Gracia introduces her. :::...

.:: The Woman With The Beautiful Voice ::. Lilian Garcia
Now in the ring from California ... VICTORIA!!!

...::: After introducing Victoria, Lilian hands Victoria the mic and hurrys to get out the ring. Victoria looks at the head and a huge smile comes upon her face. Victoria puts the mic up to her lips and begins to speak. :::...

.:: The Psycho Vixxen Beauty ::. Victoria
Well, I face the most dumbest person in this fed on Wednesday. I know all of you heard me early when I said I don't fear her or any of these divas in this fed. Well, guess what I'm right. I mean who will want to fear any of these divas anyway because half of them can't fight!! The one that can "fight", I have to face this Wednesday. You see this head in my hand, its Beulah's. You see after Wednesday, she better hope she will be able to walk out the arena because when people face me, they DON'T walk out the arena they get carried out of the arena by the ambulance!! You see its simple, I'm stronger and she is not. I will smack her around like her mother should of did when she was younger. I will over power her and hurt her bad it will make me feel SO good inside. Sometimes it makes me tingle inside knowing I hurt her that bad. She will find out after Wednesday that I am the dangerous diva in here and she will be so scared of me she will end up wetting her pants. Like I said earlier she can spit on me, but I can knock her out!! She can call me crazy or psycho, but it won't bother me when I'm kicking her ass. You see half of these divas are so fake you can see right threw them and it pathetic. I mean they get their breast so big that it is bigger then their heads. Beulah, you barely have chest and I wonder what happen because your puppies are no bigger then a doorknob.

This match on Wednesday will be so quick because its a No Holds Barred Match. Anything goes and I will make sure EVERYTHING goes. I'm gonna beat her to a bloody pulp. When I'm done with her, she will pretty little scars and pretty little bruises. Her hair won't be brunette no more because of all the blood she is gonna lose, her hair will be a reddish black. Beulah has no chance at Massacre, she will lose to me. Then she will lose again next week when I take the Woman's Title from her. Beulah will lose everything her dignity and her precious Woman's Championship.

I get in the ring it will be over because she will forfeit the match because she will be too scared to see what I'm gonna do to her. I bet Beulah is back there telling every guy she slept with that she will beat me and if I do beat Victoria, I will give you a special treat. Come on Beulah, you think your sexy and pretty. You don't compare to me and thats for sure, if you did you wouldn't be here, you will be in the WWE like I am. You are the most hideous thing I have ever seen in my life and it makes me want to vomit!! You think the fans cheer for you?? Ha they really cheer for you when you are getting your ass handed to you. The fans may boo me because they are jealous of me. They wish they was in my shoes kicking the living hell out of you. Beulah its no secert that your a bitch but on Wednesday night your gonna be my BITCH!!

One more thing Beulah, if you think your gonna win think again sweetie, because your pretty little legs and pretty little eyes won't get you NO WHERE!! Anyway, Beulah get ready for a beating of a lifetime because the only thing standing in my way to get to you is my fist. Believe me after I beat you and win the match you will need to get your face fix with plastic surgery. I'm gonna bash your face in at Massacre in this No Holds Barredmatch so I adivse you to schedule yourself an appointment with the best plastic surgeron on this planet. Because the damage I'm gonna give you, NO ordinary plastic surgeron will be EVER to fix it.

I will make sure you are in the hosptial because the damage I'm gonna do will be so bad that the TV people might have to censor it!! I'm gonna make sure you will bleed a puddle of blood because your not getting away with out a scratch on your face because that will be a disappointment to the fans and I know you don't wanna disappoint your so called "FANS". Beulah just imagine what I'm gonna do to you on Massacre because the site won't be pretty because GAMETIME is when the BITCH IS LET LOOSE!!!! WELCOME TO HELL!!

...::: Victoria takes the head and spit on it. She then tears it up and drop the pieces in the ring. Victoria drops the mic and head up the ramp to her locker room. On her way to her locker room she see Eric Bischoff getting coffee. She walks up by him. He turns around and spill coffee all over her. :::...

.:: The Psycho Vixxen Beauty ::. Victoria
ERIC!! What is wrong with you spilling coffee on me. Eric, you must have a death wish don't you.

.:: The Man With The Great Mind ::. Eric Bischoff
Victoria, calm down.

...::: Victoria shoves Eric in his face and walks off to her locker room. :::...