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The Intention of Double D Records!

Ever notice some of these on-line record companies? I researched many of them and came to a couple of conclusions:

a) They don't give a damn about you or your music.
b) All they want is your money.

Here at Double D, we're not like that. We realize that you want to put money in your pocket from the music you make. God bless you independent musician, without you, we'd have nothing but Aerosmith until our grandchildren are old and gray. We also realize that you are not Gene Simmons and don't have money to burn. Double D is never going to ask you for a $200 'start-up' fee, or a $100 'listing' fee. We are here for you.

We want Double D Records to be a happy place for musicians. We want our bands to tell other bands about us. We want to destroy Capital Records by promoting 'Skeeter' who plays guitar in the trailer park. We are here for the freaks, misfits, weirdos, and the repulsive. We are here for those who make music not for the mainstream, but for those who are tired of Top 40 and want something that they can't get on the radio or at the mall.

And yes we are here to see that bands make money for what they do. Writing and creating music is not easy. Finding the time to rehearse, record, and mix, is not easy. Booking shows at a two-bit dive and playing in front of seven people on a Tuesday night is not easy. Standing over your Fostex 4-track, trying to nail that solo, knowing you have to head to McDonald's for an 8 hour shift that starts in ten minutes is not easy. Hey, Double D won't make it any easier, but we'll do our best to see you get some reward for your hard work. We want you to have some fruits from you labor, even if it is just a raisen.

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