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my year long vacation

Hey long time no see! Well Im triing to get my page up and running and show you guya some of my pics from Iraq , but i dont have many yet so just bear with me for a bit plus my camra got jacked (i got it back but with out my memory card) so i lost a lot of my pictures.

I decide to take it easy befor I whent on vacation in paridice for a year.

Here is my team and I the day we left.

Now like I said I lost some good pics so heres one of me holding two AKs

Ive been on many convoys since Ive been in country, here is a pic of a friend of mine on one.

On all of the convoys ive been on ive never seen anyone like these two.

From time to time we get a chance to chill.

funny stuff here
wanna see a day in a life of me?