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Benifer's Amazaing Web-Site


        I love music and movies and friends, family. Well I have grown up around here all my life. If I am going to label the  way i dress i would say I dress like a punk kid but really I am my own style. I love to go walking on the beach or just listening to music and watching the stars or talking. If there is something i could change about my self i would make myself look like brad bit so i was hot. That and i was more sociable like i get scared when i talk to new people, I get very nervous. What is the perfect girl to me would be a girl that is always thee for you someone you could call any time and talk to, one that likes all types of music, someone that would like just sitting in the park and talk. Well let's see is there anything you would whant to hear...hmmmmm well I am single right now, but im not really looking ether. Well i can't say i update this much so sorry if it is kinda old. You know you could always just write me and tell me to but something on here, or just let me know how it looks or just write me if you're bored. Click here to send me an e-mail!  So look around and enjoy!


       Make sure to visit my life....and leave some comments they are always nice to find.







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