The Art Crew

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All profiles are yet to be completed, this is a work in progress.


Nick mateeeeeeeeeeee




tanned/muscley body


single and looking


currently modelling for bonds and arnette


nick mateeee, the finely tunned athletic machine was born and raised in sydney australia where he took upon the stereotypical surfing, sun soaked and salty Australian beach culture and spend his childhood days by the sea where he would practise his moves, tune women and bath in the sun all day long before drinking the night away. There is currently a high demand for nick matee in the market place and women are constantly, literally bending over backwards for him.







really really ridiculously good looking with chiselled abs and stunning features


boy/hackey sack pro


single and waiting

Biography: Born and raised in the jungle somewhere alongside finley, james moved to Sydney Australia when he was only -3. If it wasn't for school regulation his hairy apelike characteristics would prevail. Although there is the occasional holiday where he completely lets himself go and grows a nice solid mop, mullet and beard. His seedy mullet would reach the floor if it wasn't for a certain red nosed, self indulged prick. It is believed james is related to some sort of chimp family and is already showing distinct signs of ageing (grey hairs and wrinkles).


fin, unfortunately no pictures of finley could be found so we scrounged up some artist representations which turned out to be bloody similar


Skinny wirey frame, 53kg of freckled white muscle with firey ginger hair


finley lives a strange life, we're not sure how he came about or what hes doing here but we accept that. rumours have it he was created in the depths of a sub-saharan desert by a mad scientist and since, migrated to whale beach where he was adopted into the heygate family. He enjoys squashing fruits, eating grubs and climbing trees.

Name: shane

Status: permantly single

Build: skinny runt with permanently bloodyshot eyes and weak side burns composed entirely of bumfluff

Favourite Quote: "if it moves smoke it"

Occupation: stoner/suspected druglord

Biography:"Shanage" as he likes to be called at the moment is a very insecure human being,'he is trying to find who he really is' as quoted by nate dog. Shane has recently adopted the surf culture of Australia and it is believed he is following in nick matee's footsteps, he likes to pretend that he is a surfer using all the terms such as 'stick' 'macking' and 'thretbone' but we really no that shanage is just an outright stoner who goes to the beach as an excuse so he can improve his druglord capabilities scavenging the sand dunes for lonely marijuana plants he planted back month's ago. Shane takes pride in his surfy image and treasures his hairstyle and crusty look. It is believed shane is the result of a sick homo having his way with a monkey about 3 years ago, no one really knows where he's from or where he lives although he has been seen scaling trees in his spare time

Name(s): nate dogg, the dogg, nathan, woody, woodster, woodolicious, naters, naterzone, doggalicious, nate, bro and the occasional dog-mite.

Status:single we are unsure why

Hobbies And Interests:feeling georgi's tits and distributing frans pics to his mates


                                                                                                 Download LA's comic

Occupation: Token Ghetto Head

Colour: Dark Black

Biography: LA was born in chicago at the turn of the century and ever since has devoted his life to both b-ball and soccer. In his spare time, he spends countless hours worshipping MJ and Henry, the two gods of bball and soccer. It was only recently that LA has taken an interest to the extreme, diverse and ever growing sport of skatboarding. He has aspired to Nick mate (ranked world number 1 in flatland) for sometime now and has been taught everything he knows by the man himself.

Funky Monkey UPDATE: [25/9/04] New UPDATE, yes school is over and Funky Monkey Volume 2 is well under production. 33% is completed including the storyboards, hopefully it'll be out by next term!

Name:Chrissss, Chrisso, Chris mateee, jimmy

Occupation: Government Benefits collector/womaniser

Biography: Chris is your typical Australian Yobbo....Living his retired life out in Palm Beach he can been seen havin a beer on the porch, looking up his porn or plain old sleeping either way he loves a cold brew with his crusty acubra hat and ass stained stubbies. He is often seen cursing at cars on the main road and mumbling frazes such as 'BLOODY chinese taking over AUSTRALIA". The above animation is chris in the cartoon world, he is often seen there with his mates gotto and richard as seen below;


Name: Harky

Occupation:First of all the chick shown above (juliette, 4:00 weekdays channel 7) is believe it or not but Harkys cousin! DAYUM!!!

Hero(s): pete sampras, spiderman

Favourite Quote(s): "may the force be with you"

Name: Scobes

Occupation: teacher/master of faces

Biography: scobes....beloved scobes....what can I say, you've been our source of entertainment and extreme laughter for some time now, scobes is a funny emu-woman. Always wondering the school cautiously pulling faces at everything she sees. Her purpose is yet to be discovered but.......

Name: Nabila & Kelly


Kelly: International Druglord

Nabila: Keeper of the magic Lamp              


Shown below

  • Left: Nabila and her recently acquired boyfriend
  • Right: Lets all wave at Kelly now


Name: GaUtAm/GoTtO

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THE ART CREW HAVE A SITE, now sit back and relax + wait for me to construct it