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You Say That Im A Dreamer



"Keep representing us, cuz you know we're representin you"- Benji BENJI! he's dirty, nasty, sexy, and you want to fuck him. It will be the best you'll ever have, too.
Benji...urs will be the best, u guys r so rough its
kinda gross. You sick fuck! Kids are so dirty.
SO...go fuck the sexy dirty Benji already!!

*Who from Good Charlotte will you fuck and will it be good sex?!*
brought to you by Quizilla You are most like Benji. The guitarist who loves
spending time with Joel and whos dream is to
live on the water and have a whole family. You
are definietly a family man/woman.

Are you more like Benji or Joel from Good Charlotte?
brought to you by Quizilla ur gonna go out with...BENJI!!!

good charlotte, who should u go out with?
brought to you by Quizilla BenjiWatermelon
you are... the benji/watermelon condom

which GOOD CHARLOTTE flavored CONDOM are you?
brought to you by Quizilla