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Hey, STOOPID!!! This page isn't updated anymore, but feel free to look around (even though their's not much to see). For the official KFC website click the huge-ass link below, STOOPID!!!.


There ain't none, BEEHOTRICE. Click the huge-ass link above for the official KFC site.

Yes sir, it's another punk band once again, and I know what your thinking - 'Man, I can't wait until punk dies' am I right? Well, it won't be any time soon if this band has anything to do with it! We're gonna get as much life out of the wrinkly, delapatated, over-dosed body of punk rock as humanly possible.

Got any tips for some Mid-MO baby rockers? E-mail me and help us out. You know you want to.


Below there is a link that goes to a small page that is in progress for a band that just ended known to a very lucky few as - The Winnebagos. Click to learn more about the band, the myth, the legend that was - The Winnebagos