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eL diabLo> <font face=impact><font color=blueviolet><font size=7><center>eL diabLo</center> <p> <p> <p> <p> <font face=impact><center><marquee width=40%>hey hey hey!!</marquee></center> <p><pre> <p> </pre> <font size=5><center><font color=blueviolet>* <a href=>about me</a><font color=blueviolet> * <font color=deeppink><a href=>pix</a><font color=blueviolet> * <font color=deeppink><a href=>links</a><font color=blueviolet> *</center></font> <br><font color=blueviolet><font size=5><center>* <font color=deeppink><a href=>contact me</a><font color=blueviolet> *</center> <pre> <p> </pre><font face=impact><font size=4><font color=blueviolet> hey hey hey, so ya. um i guess this means i must be really bored if im here makin a webpage. but ya, so um i guess i should be sayin a little bout myself huh? <p> <p>alright, so im 17, im a female, and im a senior in highschool. <br>ya, but i guess if ya wanna kno more about me, u can just look on to the other pages. =) <pre><p> <p> </pre><font color=deeppink>random stuff:</font><br><dl><dd>ya, so how bout that random stuff eh? um well not much is goin on. im pretty much bored. there isnt much to do around here so it sux.</dl> <pre> <p> </pre> <center> <a href=""> view my guestbook</a> | <a href=""> sign my guestbook</a> <br> <a href="" target="_blank">get your free guestbook</a> </center> <pre> <p> </pre> <center><img src=/punk4/xeldiablox/bettie.bmp></img></center> </pre><!--EndFreetext--> <p> <!--Counter--> <center><img src="/cgi-bin/Count.cgi"></center> <p> <!--EndCounter--> </body> </html>