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Biographies Of Us




Message Board


The Poll Of The Week Or So


Bobby, Gerald, Eric, Ben


8-1303 Tommorow schools starts. But we started recording!!! Our show has been postponed until the 22nd though. We wont give rides home or anything. Were selling water for a dollar though. Bring cash.If you need directions, email us Here.
8-3-03 We wrote a cool song called One Last Wish, yesterday. It a little slow, but awesome.
7-12-03 WE got A LOT done yesterday. We thought it would be a bad practice but then everyone showed up. We got 2 very hard songs almost perfect, and made some new stuff. We are now planning a free garage show sometime in August.
7-6-03 Someone under the sn IWannnaRiot91 has hacked in to the site and messed it up. Tell me if anything else is messed. If it gets weird, blame him. Oh and btw, bug him on AIM.
6-11-03 Hello, this is the new site. I hope you like it. I will finish and add all the final touches later on. I deleted the message board and About The Band because they were worthless.
6-12-03 Here I am again, working on this new site. I just have to add a couple more pages, then it might be done. Oh well. Everyone in the band has to want this site or else its a waste of time but I will still make more.