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   Updates - Monday 18th November

well, i haven't updated this shit whole in a while now....actually, to be exact...a while.

i cant really be bothered updating this as much as i used to..(every farken day)...so watever is in this spot will do for the next 43 years. 

hmmm, wots been happenin lately....



a few people got a lil drunk and some even passed out a few times ("u know who u are and forshame my friend...forshame") not a lot hooked up but ahh well, were all friends...least were keeping it in the family..lol..

no bitching went on as far as i know, and also a bit of bad news...i was too drunk and i forgot to take pictures with the digicam! ahh well!

i think someone took a few and i will just scan em wen they come through!

i think stacey took some, rox and my mum took one.


no complete dramas through the nite (as far as i remember). Jay got a lil drunk and thought he was invincible and sliced his hand with a knife, it bled, and ohh how it bled...minimum blood on wall tho, i got in a lil trouble from my mum and the wall said i was a pig fucker so i cracked him one....lil blood on light switch. Jess tries to get with my dog....apparently the rumour going round sckool is i got with my TV ("there better have been a hot chick on there...or KFC"), Jess tries and swallows a whole packet of Wizz Fizz and spits it all back up, there was all squashed Cheezels up the back, splurge at the top of my bed, someone broke Leighs CD Player ("damn criminal mastermind") and farken everyone touched our farken homebrew !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rachel gets to bottom floor and has nowhere to go, Mel gives birth in lift, Tiana flashes, Sheree pushed in pool by Stacey, Reedy falls all over Tramopaline, Tiana Flashes, Sarah breaks rules and has drink ("even tho she pinky promised to have one, then theres video footage of me giving her another one...woops"), Tiana flashes, Ash wears Tiana's bra for some reason ("wouldn't mind being there for that swap"), Tiana and Ash flash to cam, cam outta focus, not visible, damn farken cam!, Tahnee misses Craig, Col ready to chuck piss with Jay hiding in behind door behind him, Jay loves his Tooheys!, Dog has a few sips of beeer, rest of nite mega blur....thats all i remember i think...who knows wot time will reminise upon me and my memory or lack of memory...


hope u enjoyed that big update...i will try and get pics later when they are developed! 

   Updates - Sunday 27th October

Well today was basically the last day to see people for me and Leigh coz we got werk experience next week. Hes off to the Air Force and im off to a Hospital (yay, dead and dying people). I suppose it could be fun. If not ill just have to make it fun.


Next Saturday coz everyones off from werk and sckool ill try my megarly hardest to have a Gathering or a movie nite, which ever one sounds most pleasant to my mum. But hopefully she'll allow me, hopefully.


I've sorta changed the updates today coz im running out a pictures for the lil side column so tonite i didn't put one and im just writing a lot more, pretty obvious. ahh well.

What i gotta do is to keep on remembering to whip out my digital cam whenever anyone is around so i at least have one or 2 of them. I got a few the other nite but theres only like 10 or something so im prob gonna delete some and get fuck loads one nite (hopefully were all drunk or something).


Today Ash, Jay, Leigh and Mel came up and we just fucked around my house all day (and most people would notice every other day too). But ahh well, not much casualties today, a PS2 Controller, my dog and my nuts (shakes fist at jay).


Yeh well next sat i will hire movies, get the bbq cranking, get the pool warm and invite people up from like the morning sometime like 11:00ish - 12-00ish and then get them to leave at nite sometime like 11ish - 12 ish! Fuckin gonna be a rad nite if im allowed...

ahh well, if im not im still gonna invite people over...


Later fucknuts!

   Updates - Saturday 26th October

Jay, Ash and Mel came up tonite to watch some movies and just chill. We watched Not Another Teen Movie and thats all. We also spoke to Reedy on the webcam. We showed him the adventures of down Ashleys top!


Thats basically my whole Saturday. I added in a Diary (idea from rox) but its through the eyes of me and Leigh (so its either gonna be completely true or total bullshit made up)

bye kiddies!


ohh ohh and also...my sites gone from the angelfire one to www.weeed.cjb.net ...its a lot easier to type that rather than the farken mega long one!


Ohh my god i splurge everytime i see this picture! Gotta luv the weeed!


   Updates - Tuesday 22nd October

Well, yet again not much happened today cept it fuckin got to like 31* and me and jay had the milk run, fuck we almost died!

No run ever like that again!


I have nothing to write about today so i may as well write wot we got planned for tomorrow. Ashley and Leigh are coming up and were sooo gonna watch Ice Age. We hired that tonite! gonna be good!


Well, not really done much to the site this nite but i did put it at a new host...

www.angelfire.com/punk4/weeed/index.html but i suppose u would know that if u are actually here so yeh!

i have put some music behind the bios but i have to upload the songs to the net so that'll take another nite. If u have a request for a song just tell me in sckool or some shit and ill do my best to find it!



Yay! Kids, use that line on ur parents if u get caught for weeed ever.."Jimmy! I cant believe you are smoking Dope!"..."Hey, At least its not crack!"


   Updates- Monday 21st October

Well, another chapter in the life of Colin. Not much went on this week except the usual, people bitchin about other people and shit like that. 


I added in some bios but i still gotta get Reedy, Roxy and Alice to fill them out...

so hurry up people! 


I think we got nothing planned for this weekend yet so probably not a lot gonna happen....i mite ask my mum if i can have people over but people have to promise not to bitch the whole time their here! (and have to "gather" at my "gathering")


Well, enjoy the new bios and from now on wen people come up to my house they have no choice but to have pictures taken...the sites looking bare without any pics of anyone and anything.

I will also put in pics of people for their bios and i will put the link to the pic under all their shit so you randoms out there can actually know who we are talking about 


well, later!



hehe, cat in the hat...hes got the right idea!

sooooo makes u in the mood for a bong

especially with that bong coz the water looks

sooo tasty

  Updates- Sunday 20th October

Well, tonite (as in 38 minutes ago which would make it yesterday by my calculations) we went to a barbie at Leighs and its was pretty good cept all the commotion and shit going on with people but bahh, were teens, wot do u expect?


Well today (as in Sunday day) were going to whitties to see Killing Heidi to perform (roxy's fav band)

Soon i will be making up some shitty questions for the biographies page and ACTUALLY GET THE PEOPLE TO FILL THEM OUT and not make them seem like the devil trapped inside a human teens body!!!


Well, that be all my lil munchkins. Good Morning, ohh and incase i dont see ya, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night!




Some great stoner must have taught this hamster a thing or two about rolling the ol 'J'. (or how i've been informed its a fucking prairie dog!)


Copyright © My Fucking Cock 2002

Do you reckon our lives are more like Bold and the Beautiful or Days Of Our Lives? Contact me and let me know what you think

I would like to send my thanx to Telford for creating this site and helping me get it up and running.

Also would like to thank all the fuckers who are actually in it, You know who u are. If it wasn't for these people this site wouldn't be here (yeh it would coz i would have other friends to make sites of and exploit by making porn when they sleep...uhh i mean cough). Cheers anyway