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*Wamber's Page*

*A Close Up of Me~!*

-*Partners in Crime*-

*Things 2 Know About Me*

Name: Amber Hope Bryan
From: Russellville, Alabama
Ager: 19
School: Sophomore @ University of North Alabama!
StatuZ: Taken By Tyrus *6-21-03* :)
Favorite Things: Music, Guitar, Writing, Reading, Cars, Friends, Tyrus!, Concerts, Aqua Teen, etc.!
Music: I Love Jewel, Green Day!!!, The Donnas!, Beatles, Ramones!!!, Dylan, Lennon, Lisa Loeb, Loretta Lynn, Weezer, Nirvana, classic, punk,'50s,& '60s


Me and Brooke at Prom!

Me and Brooke one weekend

Me and Rachel at my Graduation!

Me and Brooke at my Graduation!

Brooke with Famous Pig!! LOL

....Don't Ask...

Me in the Lowe's.

Don't ever give 2 Blondes a camera!

"Ren & Stimpy"

*Brooke~Brooke* You've been like a sister to me. I don't know what I'd do without you, but I do know I wouldn't have much fun at doing it! LOL I hope you have the best senior year! I still say we should get an apartment...but who knows! I can't wait till this summer! :) We've been through crazy boyfriends, wrecks, proms, TP, wrecking 4wheelers!, all nighters, guy hunting, BEING FAMOUS! DONT FORGET ABOUT THE Glow Sticks LOL! and so much more! I'm so happy that you and Wes are together!:) If you ever need anything just call me....or text message me cuz that seems to be easiest for you LOL! I will always love you like a sister! Hey wait a minute...Brooke What is that smell!!?? LOL!

Rachel~ I have missed you a lot! You will always be one of my closest and best friends! NO MATTER WHAT! Always remember our crazy times in high school and after...stalking people...psychos...guy hunting...getting in trouble... breakups...hookups... that AWFUL Creed concert!...swimming at my house! Band Practice! LOL You've been like an older sister to me!~ I will always love you like a sister!

Tyrus~ Where do I start? We've made it 9 months without a single argument! Never thought that would happen~ LOL! I could never find a better friend and a more perfect match than you! And I've never been as happy with anyone as I have been with you. You have changed everything-the way i feel about the world, love, and myself. I never knew one person could make such a big difference :) I never realized exactly what i was searching for, but now I know that it was you. :) I'd do anything for you. You are my whole world! I Love You Now and Forever!~*

*The first time I caught a glimpe of you

Then all of my thoughts were only of you*

-Green Day-

Shout outs: Brooke Brooke! Rachel, Tyrus!, Susan, Wobe, Timmy, {*TA*, Russell, Levi, Dustin}WEAK FROM TODAY , Wes, Andrea, Whitney, etc Class of '03, & everyone else i forgot!

**Special thanks to ChadW for all your help with the page!

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Thanks to Cerulean Dream 4 the music

*Inside Joke!!*
