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Spring Into My Page! (I made it myself)

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Hi my name is Ceena! Welcome to my wonderful page!

  Some things about me!

             My favorites:

                    Food: Cheesecake and Cherries Jubilee

                    Drink: Root Beer Float    

                     Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie

                    Band: Vice Squad    

                    Store: Freaks in NYC

                    Thing that annoys me: Everyone having OI! in their name or like Anarchy MAAAAAAAN! 

                    Friends: Emily Liz and Robert

             What I look like:

                    Hair: Black/ REALLY dark Brown

                     Eyes:  Brown :-(

                    Height: Around 5' 5"

                    Weight: 100-110 cant remember

                     Build: Skinny, I've been told  I'm built like a brick shithouse (that's supposed to be a compliment)     

            My friends are  Liz, Emily, Robert, Mandi, Joe, Alex, Sara, Jimmy, Evan, Nick, Kylie, Maddie, Jewd, Jess, Sam, and some more people all add as I remember...


                                    My "Blog" (updated daily weekly or monthly...when i can get to it)


            Hello. Just made the site and I am really proud of myself... my first one! Liz is asleep in my room and Robert is watching Tommy Boy so I'll see him in like two years. I have nothing to do except make this site, and I am pretty hungry... I have school starting the Twenty-Sixth. I can't wait actually, I'm getting kind of bored.