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Rock out with ur cock out
Thursday, 13 November 2003
4:54 p.m- me and and josiah..we have been goin out since umm i dunno the date..not last tuesday but the tuesday after happy with him..we just never EVER talk really..and we only see each other on tuesdays..sadness.
Life has been pretty good i guess so far i and jon r really good friends and me and josiah r a couple..
Me and sara had a lil frenzy resently i guess..with sum kid named rob..he liked me and i told her i didnt like him cuz i had a bf JOSIAH..and she didnt belive me and she kept accusing me of it and it pissed me off so i blew up at her..but its over now..we talked it over and its DONE..

well im off
ZeD~ orrr AmY~

Posted by punk4/uti at 4:56 PM EST
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Monday, 13 October 2003
Plastic ants
" His name is Jon/I have a dream about him/he rings my bell/I got gym class in half an hour/Oh how he rocks/In kids and tube socks/But he doesn't know who I am/And he doesn't give a damn about me
Cause Im just a teenage dirtbag baby/Yeah Im just a teenage dirtbag baby/Listen to Iron Maiden baby with me Man I feel like mold
It's prom night and I am lonely/Low and behold/he's walking over to me/This must be fake/My lip starts to shake
How does he know who I am/And why does he give a damn about/
I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden baby/Come with me Friday, don't say maybe/Im just a teenage dirtbag baby like you-WHEATUS"

Friday saterday and sunday i was at camp staffin whoppdi do..uh TODAYS MY B DAY!!!

Posted by punk4/uti at 3:56 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 8 October 2003
Havent wrote in here in a while eh
5:01p.m/ I GOT TO SEE JOHN YESTERDAY!! YAY!!! I got a hug from him too..well i had to hug him..rawrr..umm..yea theres nothin more to say besides that i got to play with there band and yea learn sum cool songs and yadi yadi

Today sucked..skool sux..whats new?

Posted by punk4/uti at 4:53 PM EDT
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Sunday, 5 October 2003
peeter piper
9:37a.m/ yesterday was fun..too much to type..but i had loads of fun..jah jah..uh today i am happy and its a good day so far so dont RUIN IT..chris leaves south carolina..

Posted by punk4/uti at 9:32 AM EDT
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Friday, 3 October 2003
9:50p.m/ Im was ok i guess...lunch sucked..dereck wasent there to make me feel better :(. He got lunch insted i spent my lunch watching alex and erin hump in a corner..haha not really..uh yea they came in the student commons and i was in there..i always in there? That was the first time i saw them in there and it sucked..there like 2 people tryin to like i dunno..but its just him and her ALL the time rawrrr..uh this morning was good..huged dereck..came home and talked to jon for like 3 minutes then he had to go..and i just tryed to call him back and hes not fucking home..alex is being a fucking moron right now on the computer..its pissin me ne who..i went over the nelsons to help vicki babysit or sumthing and yea..that was fun..but then i came home and felt like crap and i still do..well im off to see the wizard to see if he can give me a new life :/ it wont work tho..
MOOD- uh sureee
CURRENT MUSIC- lean on me..but i have nothing to lean on?

Posted by punk4/uti at 9:49 PM EDT
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Thursday, 2 October 2003
4:51p.m/ So yea another day that uh how u say SUCKED..but not as bad as yesterday did..i didnt talk to alex AT all today...5th hour was dumb..6th hour was dumb...that britney chikk walked in with alexs sweater on and i almost cryed..yea yea im pathetic..thoughts wondered my mind...tears filled my eyes..numbness throughtout my hands progressed untill i made a huge so visious..I thought about the 2nd dance..when me and alex both had sweaters on..he had the one britney was wearing on and i had andrews sweater on that had a HOLE shit load of cologne on that and it was making me dizzy..i remember dancing with alex..feeling like a million bucks..butterflys all in my stomach..feeling like i was about to faint cuz i didnt eat nothing that whole felt like i was floating...thinking about how lucky i was to have such a great person holding me in his arms..dude i cant go on with n e sucked...yea yea it sucked..hmmm..I need to see john..i need to hug john...i need to have john hold me in his arms and tell me everything will be ok..but guess what..john lives in capac and im stuck here in fucking st. clair..grrr..I kno i dont like alex n e more..i dont think i do?..i think its just the fact that how he got over me so quickly and threw me in the dust..left me there to rot without saying goodbye..leaving me there to die..and now i have to watch him with erin walk thro the halls all kissy kissy and cry about it..cuz how he just dumbed me and threw me DOWN!!!..all the things he use to do with me..he is now doing with erin..walking her to her bus and hugin her..sitin with her at lunch..hangin out with her ALL the time..probily calling her on the phone telling her that he would stop a bullet for her..telling her how much he cares about her..rawrr..i dunno?/ Everytime i talk to john i seem to like him more..i dunno..he says the nicest things to me..JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN I LIKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!
MOOD- what do u think?
CURRENT MUSIC- Mudvayne "death blooms" YEA YEA YEA

Posted by punk4/uti at 4:59 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 1 October 2003
11:44p.m/ I have noticed...mostly all my entries in here are sad..but yea...n e whos...I WANNA SEE JOHN!!! uggg...i dunno what to is a half day and im so BOREDD!!! So far today sucked...Alex and erin walking down the hall arm to arm didnt help my day AT ALL!!! God he makes me feel like crap...i dont see y it bothers me...i LIKE john!!! is so weird and stupid!!
Well im out bye
MOOD- still sad

i want to be there.
in your world, in your head.
i want to pick it apart.
piece by piece
by piece.
and as it crumbles into
the sweetest nothing
for me.
and in the darkness
you will find that
was never really there.

in a dream in a different place
perfection met the who and the i
and it was enough for you
but then you had to
and plastic melted back to reality
leaving the i stuck in that world
that could never be real.
9:00p.m/ Only thing good that happened today was talk to john..and play speed with anthony...

MOOD- kasljdf
CURRENT MUSIC- aslkdjfas;

Posted by punk4/uti at 11:42 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 October 2003 8:56 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 30 September 2003
little tiny butterflys inside of me
3:29p.m/ Today was ok i was all good untill 5th hour...I hate not talking to alex :( the only time we talked was when 5th hour was over...I HATE IT!!! Uh..dereck huged me behind the curtins on the stage today and i got them butterflys :D FOR ONCE!! in a while..but i dunno. Im such a loser. I guess Dashboard confessionals geting to my head right now..all the songs remind me of alex and i just happen to be listening to it right now :( I gotta get over him I KNO! Well..i cant go to that church today..i dont think so..and i wanna see john soooo bad grrr...and hug u can see i luv hugs..his long black hair!!!! AHHHHH!!!
MOOD- sad :(
CURRENT MUSIC- dashboard

Posted by punk4/uti at 3:28 PM EDT
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Monday, 29 September 2003
sushi n e one
3:27p.m/ Today in skool was really dumb

Posted by punk4/uti at 3:20 PM EDT
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Sunday, 28 September 2003
vroom vroom
8:13p.m/ Raced my snomobeil...2nd in powder puff..there was a 900 fire cat that was piped and studded and then an 800 artic cat that was souped up and studded and piped..holy shit!! I beat the 800 but not the 900.and i raced with boys and i got 3rd out of 7 of them friken idiots..i put 3 of them on the trailer HA! They put a whole shit load of money in racing and soupin up there snomobeil and there on a team and sponsered and they race ALL the time and i kicked there ASS!! im talkin to dereck?

Posted by punk4/uti at 8:12 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 29 September 2003 3:08 PM EDT
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