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Not everyone is the same
Yet you fear the difference
Not everyone is perfect
Yet you strive to make it so

Why does it scare you?
A common factor of life
Can you accept the facts, let it go?
Are you strong enough for the strife?
Nature has her own selection
So when she makes her choice, you'll know
Those who fear imperfection
Know nothing of the world

Since the figure of 'perfect' is changed
By so many different views
It's hard to go by the one of others
So only your standards are the ones to choose

How is it hard to understand?
A common factor of life
Will you try to fight what has been done?
Are your strong enough for that strife?
Nature has her own selection
So when she makes her choice, you'll know
Those who fear imperfection
Are nothing but foolish souls

By all mistakes that have been made
To mold perfection into one
You think humanity would realize
It simply can't be done

What doesn't compute to you?
A common factor of life
Are you offended I am different from you?
Are you strong enough for that useless strife?
Nature has her own selection
So when she makes her choice, you'll know
Those who fear imperfection
Will one day pay the toll

I hope you all have eaten breakfast or plenty of rest before you read this, because it may become confusing: This is a RPG that takes place in the future...the year 2018. Of course there have been many advances in science, like cures for diseases considered incurable, the elderly living longer, and nifty gadgets and helpful robots used around the house. However...the biggest advancedment made in this era...was the project PERFECT (Processing Entities Rebirth For Excellent Children Typification). It was publically designed to create perfect human beings from birth, mostly in health and body, and like a robot be programmed to respond to commands and add personalities...humans with no free will. But secretly the organization was to build the perfect fighting weapons...children who could reach immense heights. But somehow, something went wrong...and the entire laboratory burnt to the ground in the crossfire of what is only known as Anthro Experimentation, where PERFECT tried to cross the senses and strength of animals into human fetuses. All 'experiments' were thought to be destroyed within the to be being somewhat perfect, they were also very durable, and survived. Now crimes have raised within the city, supernatural works have been made. How could things just disappear from a high security jewelery store? There are rumors...that the Gods and Goddesses have been reawakened and are either acting on their own free will...or have been activated by someone else. Now someone has to stop them a regular human...or of their own kind...

.Updates of 8.11.03.
Well...the site is under major construction...but!! Here is what up ^^:
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Site by:Kami
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