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Thursday Night Impact
Melina Perez versus. Stephanie McMahon versus. Angelina Love
One Number Contendership To Women's Title

|~|-> Scene One : I was robbed! <-|~|

The scene takes place backstage inside of Melina Perez’s lockeroom where she is shown pacing back and fourth with a nail file in her hand. As she files down her nails on her left hand she continues to pace around as her boyfriend John Morrison watches her from the couch.

|>>>Shaman of sexy<<< John Morrison| babe will you stop doing that? You make me nervous when you pace around like that.

Melina shoots Morrison a dirty look as she stops briefly.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| Johnny…DON’T!

Morrison frowns with his arms out by his sides in defense.

|>>>Shaman of sexy<<< John Morrison| don’t what? What did I do?

Melina begins pacing again ignoring Morrison.

|>>>Shaman of sexy<<< John Morrison| Mel…MEL!

John grabs one of Melina’s arms causing her to drop her nail file on the ground. Her eyes narrow as she yanks her arm away from him.

|>>>Shaman of sexy<<< John Morrison| hey! What gives Melina?

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| what do you think Johnny? I’m PISSED OFF can’t you tell?! I was ROBBED at Cyber Sunday…I should have been the new women’s champion NOT that anorexic bitch Maryse!

Melina stops pacing and plops down on the couch where she lowers her head in her lap. She pulls on her hair a bit frustrated as Morrison places his hand on her shoulder.

|>>>Shaman of sexy<<< John Morrison| babe everyone knows you were robbed last Sunday but your getting a second chance. All you have to do is beat Stephanie McMahon and Angelina Love and you’ll be facing Maryse at Survivor Series.

After hearing what John had said, Melina then sat up with a devilish grin on her face.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| thanks for reminding me Johnny…I needed to hear that.

Morrison smirks.

|>>>Shaman of sexy<<< John Morrison| with pleasure.

Morrison has a big smile on his face now as Melina leans over and plants a kiss on his lips.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| this match should definitely be a no brainer. I mean c’mon ANGELINA LOVE? She’s just a waste of space on the roster and Stephanie is a stuck up bitch. If her dad wasn’t running the WWE then she would probably be out on the street corners climbing in and out of guy’s cars if you know what I mean.

|>>>Shaman of sexy<<< John Morrison| oh I know what you mean and it’s a shame that her dad has no idea that she used to do that.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| used to? She probably still does!

|>>>Shaman of sexy<<< John Morrison| yeah well one thing is for certain…you won’t have to worry about Angelina Love. That girl’s got NO talent whatsoever. I don’t even think she’s ever been trained by a professional or even gone to a wrestling school.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| of course not Johnny. You see while I was in wrestling school BUSTING MY ASS and always had people in my face telling me that I would never make it, she was probably still in high school SCREWING the football team.

Morrison has a grossed out expression on his face as a knock is heard at the door. Melina tells John to stay put as she gets up from the couch and walks over to the door. She opens it to find Todd Grisham standing there in a suit with a microphone in his hand. Melina rolls her eyes already knowing what he wants as she closes the door behind herself.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| let me guess…an interview?

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| you betcha!

Melina sighs and crosses her arms as she responds.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| then make this quick, I’m a busy woman.

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| will do. So my first question for you is, after coming up short from winning the WWE women’s championship at Cyber Sunday, how do you feel about Maryse being the new champion?

Melina shoots Todd a “how dare you ask me that?” look as she grits her teeth.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| EXCUSE ME Todd?

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| well Melina I-

Melina cuts him off as she points her finger in his face.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| don’t you EVER go there with me ok? I was ROBBED at Cyber Sunday! That title should be around MY waist not Maryse! She’s lucky she caught me off guard and rolled me up for the pin or I would be the women’s champion right now.

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| er ok but you still didn’t answer my question. How do you feel about Maryse being the new women’s champion?

Melina seems to be getting even more agitated by Grisham’s questions as she raises her voice.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| HOW DO I FEEL? HOW DO I FEEL? I’M PISSED OFF TODD! I WAS SCREWED!

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| well I don’t know about that Melina…it looks like she beat you fair and square to me.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| of course YOU would say that Todd, you’ve probably slept with her already.

Grisham looks like he doesn’t know what to say to that as Melina crosses her arms again.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| my point exactly. Now next question Todd, and it better be a good one because you’re getting on my nerves.

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| in just a few days you will be competing in yet another triple threat match but this time it will be for the number one contendership to the women’s title against Stephanie McMahon and Angelina Love. Your thoughts on this?

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| it’s quite simple Todd. I will enter that ring on Impact with two other women and walk out as the number one contender.

Todd frowns before replying.

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| so your saying it’s going to be THAT simple? I mean Angelina Love and Stephanie McMahon are gonna be tough competition from what I’ve been hearing.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| Todd let me ask YOU something. Do you believe everything you hear?

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| no.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| ok so your more of a “seeing is believing” kinda person right?

|>>>Four eyed geek<<< Todd Grisham| I guess you can say that

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| then tune into Impact on Thursday and make sure you watch my match because I will GUARANTEE you that my hand will be raised at the end of that night.

And with that said, Melina smirks and unexpectedly nails a low bow to Todd Grisham. He drops the mic and has a painful look on his face as he drops to his knees holding his groin area.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| that’s for being a jerk during the interview. Don’t mess with me!

Grisham’s face is red now as Melina enters her lockeroom and closes the door leaving Grisham by himself in the hallway. The scene slowly fades with Grisham trying to recover as he slowly gets to his feet.

|~|-> Scene Two : Confronting the boss! <-|~|

The cameras are now rolling inside of Vincent Kennedy McMahon’s office which is currently being occupied by the man himself. As he sits at his desk with a pair of reading glasses on and is looking over some paper work, several knocks are heard on his door as he sets his glasses down on the desk.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| come in!

The door slowly opens as Melina walks in wearing a leopard print dress with black high heel shoes. Her long locks are in curls and a smile comes across her face as she steps into his office and closes the door.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| Ms. Perez…it’s nice seeing you. Please, take a seat…make yourself comfortable.

Melina nods and walks over to the black leather chair in front of his desk and takes a seat. She clears her throat and begins to speak noticing the glasses on his desk.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| you wear glasses?

Vince looks a little startled by that question as he responds.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| well my eyes aren’t exactly what they used to be. But anyway, what’s on your mind? I know your not here to talk about my eye sight.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| well Vince…

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| that’s Mr. McMahon to you..

Melina sighs slightly and bites her tongue so she doesn’t say something she will regret later.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| I’m sorry…MISTER…McMahon…I have a few things I would like to discuss with you about my match on Impact if you don’t mind.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| alright I’m all ears…so tell me what’s on your mind.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| you see Vin…Mr. McMahon, there’s something I don’t QUITE understand about the set up for this match. I mean don’t get me wrong, I am VERY thankful to have another opportunity to get one step closer to being the women’s champion but…

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| so what’s the problem?

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| ya see what I don’t get is how Stephanie McMahon and Angelina Love are in this match with me. Angelina JUST got here and she’s already getting this opportunity of a life time? While I had to go through FOUR women to get to where I’m at right now. In my first match here I was in a tag team match where I beat both Eve Torres AND Mickie James. THEN at Cyber Sunday I beat the crap out of Trish Stratus and Maryse. Now I may not have won that match but I came damn close to doing so. And then Stephanie McMahon comes along and..

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| now let me stop you right there Melina.

Melina looks a little taken back as Vince looks very serious.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| not too long ago I had both Angelina AND Stephanie in my office complaining about having to be in the ring with each other and having to face you as well. Now I made this match not because I play favorites but because these kind of matches SELL. I mean who wouldn’t want to see three beautiful talented women wrestling each other in the ring?

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| excuse me Mr. McMahon, I think you mean ONE beautiful talented woman.

Melina smiles obviously talking about herself as Vince looks a little annoyed.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| I’m assuming your referring to yourself?

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| well of course I am! Ya see Angelina Love looks like a transsexual and no offense to the McMahon family but the good looks stopped at Shane McMahon.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| so your saying my daughter looks ugly?

Melina shrugs her shoulders.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| just her. But you, Shane and Linda look good. I guess the good looks stopped running in the family after Shane was born because Stephanie looks a mess. I mean let’s be real now.

Melina laughs lightly but stops shortly after as she notices Vince doesn’t find what she said funny.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| Melina, I’m gonna tell you exactly what I told my daughter a couple days ago. If you don’t like the match then I can pull you out of it and book someone else in your place. I’m sure Karen Angle or Torrie Wilson or even Stacy Keibler wouldn’t mind the opportunity.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| oh no no no it’s not a problem. But Mr. McMahon, aren’t you a little concerned about Stephanie getting hurt? Cause I’ll be honest with you, once that bell rings…she’s dead meat. I’ve heard enough of her mouth and it’ll be my pleasure to shut it!

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| Melina, Stephanie may be my little princess but she’s a grown woman now and she CHOSE this profession. She signed the contract so all I can do now is sit back and hope for the best for her.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| good. That’s all I needed to hear. Thanks for the chat.

|>>>Self made billionaire <<< Vince McMahon| your welcome.

Melina then stands up from the chair and pushes it up to the desk before she exit’s the office. Vince puts his reading glasses back on and goes back to looking over his papers as the scene fades to black.

|~|-> Scene Three : You bitches really annoy me! <-|~|

“Paparazzi” blares over the pa system as Melina Perez emerges from the black curtains with a big smirk on her face. The fans are booing her as she struts down the ramp and up the steel steps.

|>>>Latina Sensation<<< Lillian Garcia| ladies and gentleman making her way to the ring from Los Angeles, California please welcome the A-list diva Melinaaaa!

The fans continue to boo her as she grins and takes the mic from Lillian. As Lillian exit’s the ring, Melina raises the mic up to her lips and begins to speak.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| now to be quite honest with you guys, I could careless if you boo me. Ya see I don’t like you guys either. You all are just a bunch of fat slobs who sit around all day and drink beer…just like Stone Cold Steve Austin.

The crowd starts a “WHAT?!” chant as Melina rolls her eyes.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| now I’m not out here to talk about Steve Austin, GOD NO! ya see I’m out here to address two people and two people only. Angelina Love and Stephanie McMahon.

The crowd boos as Melina ignores them and continues speaking.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| now Stephanie, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I just left your father’s office not too long ago and it’s apparent to me that he can’t protect you anymore. Ya see Steph, you may be a McMahon but no one is gonna save you from the beating I plan on delivering to you on Impact this week. Vince said himself that once you signed that contract, it was out of his hands about what happens to you. I mean you’re a grown woman now, it’s about time you stopped hiding behind mommy and daddy don’t you think?

Melina smirks and even laughs a bit before proceeding.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| ya know what’s funny Stephanie? The fact that you have it in your mind that you can actually BEAT ME. Just the thought of that makes me laugh. We all know that your little McMahon era in the WWF only happened because of your last name. And Stephanie if it WEREN’T for a McMahon owning the WWE then you would have NEVER been the women’s champion in the first place. And as much as I hate admitting this but Lita and Trish Stratus made FAR better champions then you ever did. Watching you in the ring and listening to you on the mic was not only DREADFUL but BORING as well. If people weren’t leaving their seats for the concession stands while you were in the center of the ring then they were probably text messaging or falling asleep. At least when I come out people stay in their seats and get a rise out of seeing me.

The fans boo Melina as she brushes some of her hair behind her shoulder.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| oh I’m sorry Stephanie am I being too harsh? Did I strike a little nerve there princess?

Melina smirks as she walks across the ring to the side that is facing the stage. She leans on the top rope with both arms and once again runs her mouth about Stephanie.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| Stephanie Marie McMahon…you are no longer daddy’s little princess. You are more like daddy’s little TRAMP! And don’t you DARE spread rumors about me sleeping with your father. I am not Angelina Love and I am definitely not Trish Stratus! I have the man of my dreams who happens to be John Morrison who is sitting in my lockeroom and you have who? NO ONE! So don’t get mad at me because Hunter won’t take you back. That’s not my problem, it’s yours. And as for Angelina Love, I’m not too worried about her. She hasn’t said a thing since coming to the WWE and if she’s smart, she’ll keep her mouth shut like she’s been doing. She maybe blonde but I guess she’s not as dumb as she looks. At least she can keep her mouth shut unlike you Stephanie who whines and throw’s a tantrum about EVERYTHING!

Melina rolls her eyes just thinking about Stephanie McMahon.

|>>>A-list diva<<< Melina Perez| Steph, just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth doesn’t make you the golden child. Your under contract now so unfortunately for you, your not going to get everything you want! If you don’t like it then you can cry me a river, build me a bridge, and GET OVER IT! You just need to face the facts Stephanie…I AM the dominant diva around here not you! And just because your last name happens to be McMahon doesn’t mean everyone is gonna worship the ground you walk on. So do me a favor and get over yourself! The sun doesn’t shine out of your ass anymore so get used to it. When Impact comes around, your done! And so is Angelina Love!

“Papparazzi” blares over the pa as Melina drops the mic and strikes a pose. The fans boo her as she leaves the ring and walks to the back to join up with her boyfriend John Morrison again.

The following layout and the coding was done by Brad, and the roleplay is by Neci. If you, by any means, decide to copy the layout and coding then you MUST ask and then give credit to Brad. If you fail to do any of this, prepare to have a beatdown. If you think this disclaimer is a fun little joke, think again bitch, it's not!
Eve Torres; Mickie James; Stephanie McMahon?; Angelina Love?