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Hey whats up this is my website. I know it is not that much but hey its hard using HTML but now that your already here enjoy!


so whats up guys and girls nothing much here but here are my shout outs and i know ill forget someone so if you not on here dont piss yourself cause i didnt mean to well here i go:

kristin-youre the bestfriend ive always wanted
chelsey-since your on here im gonna tell you YOUR DOWN LIKE A CLOWN CHARLIE BROWN!
caroline-you are the greatest and i love you like a sister!
raynor-man your awesome and i hope were friends forever
hunter-if i didnt have a friend as daring and crazy as you i dont know what id do
will-whats up man math kicks ass haha
david your my homeboy hahaha
hilary-your awesome
laurel-you are one of the funniest friends i have
louis-hey man your a cool friend
tye-hey thanks for the bart icon and of corse you ROCK!
cody-hey man im glad your one of my friends
hil-man your my only friend that knows more about blink182 than i do
taylor-your too funny
rachel-you are a hard core girl
morgan m.-your so quiet but you rock the house
alex-your awesome and maths fun
bryant-man im glad were friends this year
wesly l.-dude you fun to be around
wesly n.-hey man your awesome
caleb-your awesome man
parker-hey your crazy and weve had many messed up times and our band will rock
robert-your the horniest friend of mine
lacey-you kick ass lacey
michelle-i love you like a sister nomatter what
iris-whats up iris your great and i love having you as a friend
ali-of course i didnt forget you cause your awesome!

ok well that all i can think of now and ill put more on as soon as i think of more