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Things we are about

ya know some bands are about getting noticed but us, we are different, we want to have music that we can say is heavy punk. hence the name undefind territory, us members dont give a shit, we do wut we want when we want, no if, and, or buts about it. now trea, or guitarist is full fledged rebelious, he really gets into the music. corey, our lead singer, and song writer, we picked him because none of us can sing worth shit so yeah. oh yeah he writes some good stuff too(goth,athiest, the hole nine yards and he lives beside a church)! then theres brandon, our drummer, he is all bout the music, oh and the devil lives inside him, so he plays some heavy stuff when he gets into it, oh and curtis our bass , well at first he was electric but we made him switch cause well we needed it. aight we all got sn's so im us, brandon's is mw11789 corey's is satanwantssoda trea's is punkrocka4life66 curtis's is candyman1665