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qiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqi Tomikins! qiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqi

Hi Baby!
This is my little page dedicated to you and how much i *looove* you! I'll update it every day with a little entry of why you made my day special! I Love You!!


Hi Sweetheart!* It's 2:15 in the !am! but I am still working on making my baby's special page!* Yesterday was a week since we started going out again, and I'm so happy everything has been sorted out and is over with so we can finally get on with LoViNg each other! Thanx for sticking by me and waiting to make our relationship even stronger!* This summer is going to be FaNtAsTiC, I can't wait to spend it with you by my side! I LOVE YOU!
Hi again Bumpkins! It's actually normal time now, lol I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE YOU MORE!! Thanx for making my webpage, its adorable-- just like you! Sweet dreams baby! Mad Kissies!!

Hi Nemo! I had a lot of fun with you today, as always!; ) You looked *so cute* in your brown.. i told u its your color!* So did u like being my prisioner?? Just wait til I get some fuzzy handcuffs.. ull be so done, literally! hehe! Your such a binkie baby, I love u soooo much! Mad Mahs!!!

Shmoodoodle!!! Ur sucha peachy baby, I love u soo much! Your soo coot with ur little game.. wut a BABY! neways bumpkin head u get ur license in **LESS THAN A WEEK** woo!! Sweetest dreams of us sweetiepie! I lovie u soooooo much! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox!!

Hi Bumblebee! I WUVIE YOU! Tankies for letting me borrow your book so I dont fail You're the bestest! EXCEPT when u forgot my noties!:CWY: hehe ur so cute i forgive u tho! HEHE! Sorry so short babe-a-wee but I feel uckyful AND its 11:45 n i have to stud-stud (it sounds like u!!) I love you! MAHHH!

My Little Doodily! Good job on your health final sweetheart, I guess u really didn't need ur book after all! I had a lot of fun with u today bumpkin.. and you got *pretty* eXcItEd, hehe! I love it babe, I think its all coot when u get all excited.. oo wait, ur coot all the time! awwwwwwwwwwwwww!! HEHE! Tankies for being the bestest baby! *ThReE mOrE dAyZ* I can't wait babe!! Goodnight and goodluck tomorrow baby, PpPpPpPpPp!hehe, i lovvvvvvvve you!*

Hi Babykins! I'm really seepy so I'm not guna write too much.. SOWWY!! I had fun payin hackey sack with you today, sorry i KICKED YOUR ASS! hehe, and we went to Sheetz again! woohoo! But..but..but..I'm sorry I seeped so u hate me??:cry: I hope not baby, I'll t2u soon! ILU!!!!!!!!

Hi Shmoo! *ONE DAY* I'm so excited for you baby..GOOD LUCK!! I'm having fun updating your website baby, it's looking all coot like you! hehe!! I was so happy you went with us today babe, you made my day soo much nicer.. even tho I probably drove you crazy.. literally! hehe I'm talking to u wite now babe so I'm not guna wite too much more so the baby's eye's don't get hurted.. i love you baby!!!! mad mahs!!!

ahhhh babe its been *forever*! Sorry, but I've just been so busy and SICK!! First off
on ur license!! I'm soooo proud of u little doodle! I hope u liked ur car-warming gifts! I was so happy u came to see me after work that day, u made my night! lol..Then there was Sunday, I loved that u went to Dunkin Donuts with me all early before work, ur the bestest! I was a little upset when u took forevvvvver to get me after work, but I had a ton of fun seeing "Nemo".. the fish, not the twins' friend, hehe!!, and getting our adorable pic-pics! You looked all adorable, as always! We had another great day, thanks a lot bumpkin! Then Monday.. kind of a sad day, but I dealt. I was sooooooo sick, and pretty sad that Mike was more important again :p.. but I guess I can forgive u since ur such a doodily pie, just never again peesssse? tankies babe Graduation was boring.. as always band sucks.. but at least I had my little dumpling to help my through it.. afterwards was horrible but at least u cared about me to take me home even tho i wouldnt.. sow-sow I got u in trouble tho :( I was sick and cranky and I thought u were being mean.....but I wuv u so peese forget it!! Tuesday.. LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! I actually had fun going to Sheetz even tho we SHOULDVE went to Denny's ya meanie head!! I cant wait to release my animal instincts! hehehe.. Oh and I soooo kicked ur butty in hackin..PpPpPpPpPpPp!! And... I GOT MY CAR!, sort of, I'm soo excited babily! And finalllllllly.. today! Sorry I didn't update in forever babe.. today was HELL.. besids the fact that our day was ruined (because of SICKNESS) I was sooooooooo sick.. I haven't been that sick in forever!! Thanks for leaving ur little seep-seep to take me to work.. and pick me up an hour later in ur pj-amas bc I was blacking out.. I was soooo sick doodle, and soooooo happy that u took care of me.. wut a great bf!! I LOVE YOU! Well babe u should be calling me soon, yayyyy! I love you with every teensy bit of my heart babe.. mah mah mah mah mah mah!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox!!

I LOVE U BABY! Ur my angel, my whole world! Thanks for coming to snuggle with me today baby, it really helped me a lot!.. I can't *wait* to unleash the savage bliss tomorrow, hehe! I love u sooo much doodle!.. heyyyyy ((((((((( .. do u remember? lol ur the cutest baby ever!!!! MAD MAHHHHHHHS!!!! niteys baby! xxoo

Ahhhhhhh! Baby I'm sooo sowwy, but I haven't been online in like a million billion years bc I'm been sooo busy with my baby and worky!! I'm guna update this for every day now we go..
Today was such a doodily day.. my poor bumpkin was sick!! :( I was sad when u didn't come over baby, but I was happy to bring you your breakfast myself, hehe! I'm glad you started feeling better when I got there, n I'm happy that I got to see you before you went to worky! Annnnnd, I decided on my new car today! woooooooooo!! I LOVE YOU!!!
Doodle!! I got my car! yayyyyy!! I was sooooo hap-hap when you came to pick me up and go get my car with me!! Isn't it awesome babily?!?! I had the greatest time shop-hopping with you too babe, too bad we couldnt find those pink puppies! pPpPpPpPpPpPpPpPpP!!! mahs babe!!xoxoxoxoxoxox!!
Hi Baby! Hi!! mahhhhhhs!xoxox!! I decorated my car with all pink, its sooo hott now babe-- like you! I hope u like it babe, I can't wait to drive u all around in it:D I had fun shop-hopping all around with you today doodily! We went everywhere.. and I wuved seeing the kitties and the ferrets with you babehead, hehe! And we FOUND the pink puppies.. just where I said they would be MOO!! annnnnd you got me my other pink puppy.. tankies babe!!! I love you soo much babe, thanks for taking me for my favorite lunch at Subway hunn.. you're the bestest! mad mahs babe!!
Hi again babyhead! Today was fun too!! We got to shop again for all of your cute little games and candy, and just play video games n be together, I loved it hunny!:D And we got ice-cream!! MOO! I love you babe! I GOT SPRINKLES!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxox
*finally* !tUeSdAy!
i love you doodle! I was soooo excited to go out to lunch today hunn, it was sooooo yummy.. but cold! brrrrrrr, thanks for trying to make it warmer shmoo. And I also had a crazy great time at my housey afterwards doodle, you really made me hott;) Thanks for being the best ever babe, I love spending all this time with you (our puppies kiss!!!!!!!), thanks so much for listening to what I had to say, you're making me feel extra-special *every day* and I love it.. I could spend every minute of every day with you and be the happiest baby in the world.. thanks for being the cutest guy ever babe--i love you!!!!!!!!!! .. sowwy but I gotta go get my wavebeam, HEHE!:D

Hi Wuggles! hehe! I had so much fun with you today AGAIN!! I just love being with u soo much, even though i didn't quite do you.......yet, hehe! And I paid for wunchy!!! pPpPpPpPpPp! Thats otay though babe bc your just so adorable.. but not if u get another job! I'll cry forever babe.. PEESE PEESE PEESE PEESE dont baby, if u wuv me! :/ neways doodle I'll still wuv you, itll just mean that *you HATE me* so don't so :p.. have a nice nitey doodilypants, I LOVE YOU! mahs!!

Hi Mahmah! Mahmahmahmahmahmahmah mahmah mahmahmahmah mah mahmah MAH!!!! so there doodle! MOO! hehe.. I love you soo much babe! I had fun trying to play CS today and doing you.. sorry I made a mess though!:***( I'm SOW-WY!! I missed you soo much at worky today baby, but I made a bunch of cute signs-- wait til u see them doodily! Well I'm seepy babe and I wanna talk to you so that's all I have to say tonight.. I can't wait for our picky nicky tomorrow! I love you baby! xoxoxoxox!!

BABY!!! GO SEEPY NOW!!! NO MORE WATE-NIGHT BABY!!!!!!!! GO SEEP N-O-W!!!!!!! (i love you)

Hi Oodles! I wish I was talking to you like every other night but you're not here:( I hate when you seep over places baby bc I just miss you wayyyy too much! Neways babe, I was happy you came to see me today.. even if it WAS only for like an hour n a half :p.. but its the thought that counts right baby? I just wish the dumb rain didn't come so we could've had our picnic!! :***( We'll hafta pan a new one for *really soon* babe!.. But, I got my cd player in today and an awesome card and outfit for your cute little dinner on Sunday-- I can't wait sweetheart! I love you soo much and I'm sooo proud of you! I'm going to bed babe (which you better be doing soon too, but I wont know until AFTER WORK TOMORROW moooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!, hehe!) I love you baby, sweet dreaming!* Mahs!!

It's Me! I got all dressed up and I'm ready for ya!
It's me w/ Miwo-- He Loves You Too!.. Zack got camera shy, but he wuvs u just as much!

Wash Me? Have Me Wash You?

Here's Some Cute Pix of Me n You!

(yeah right! let's have sex!)

Sorry baby, but its cute n like us!

These Are of You Baby!

Sporting the FuMan Skeeto-- sorry but you kno u love it!
..because you're MAD COOT!!!
Ohhhhhh! He feel seepy!! Let's snuggle!
You sportin the NC like a doodle, my own little Justin!.. but HOTTER! (yes!!!)
Being all skater-baby,hehe

These Are of Me Being YOUR Baby!

hehe! I'm all Britney-like.. now peese do me bc I'm all hot and mostly nakey!!
I'm ur wittle angel!
hehe, twice!
All Wewwo!
..this is me being all good and coot.. soon to change I might add, hehe!
uhhoh.. I'm starting to get all confoosed!! me peese??
I think I'm starting to lean towards bad.. im liking it
Now I've become your little devil.. do with me as u peese!
I had to return my wings.. they were getting mad, that cant be bad for u tho wite?
wait.. I got badgirl wings instead, i think this ones guna be more fun, hehe!
Kissies for my baby, mah! My dolly gave sum too! HEHE
Let's go SHOP-HOPPIN!!!!!
Let's dance baby.. you on top or me?
Sportin the colors
I'm ready for you! Fuck me PLEASE!
I wanna go swim-swim! Can we skinny dip instead tho? I wanna get NAKEY!!
I wuv u!
I'm ur wittle Playboy bun-bun,let's make some movies
Waitin for u to get nakey baby
In my office (I work for BabyINC.. thats you) Come in here Mr.Boss.. do me on my desk!
Go Baby!!!
..I'm showing you where I want it..'What Do I Want?' BABY 'When Do I want him?' NOW, yes!
Sparka-we for the dooda-we!
I'm your baby Cowgirl.. and I can ride the hardest thing you've got!
..thats wut were guna be doing baby, lolol!:)