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1-11-03 11:04 a.m.
It's all about the madden tournament today.  I can't wait.  We always have fun when all of the gay guys of farmersville are together.  I just wanna win me some money.  I think i have some good chances.  I did pretty good in the first tournament and i didn't even have a PS2 so now i think i'm ready.  I just hope i get the team i want.  If I don't get the titans then i'm screwed.  Jamie's gonna get raped because he sucks.  I'll be laughing from keith's cussing so hard that i'll forget what i'm doing and then he'll beat me.  I would've won the last damn time but brad's cornerback had to jump forty feet in the air and intercept a pass that was going to a man wide open with only a few seconds left in the game.  I cried.  I'm gonna take some steroids before i go so i can get the advantage on the opponent.  Wooooooooooo.  "LET'S LIFT SOME WEIGHTS AND FUCK SOME BITCHES, AND THEN LETS GO PLAY FOOTBALL!!  YEA FOOTBALL!!!"

1-5-03 12:00 p.m.
I know it's been a long anus time since i've updated and i'm sorry.  So i'll bring you up to date.  Christmas was pretty good for me because i got a PS2 finally and then i got GTA for it.  My sister bought me a gay looking shirt that looks pretty cool and it's very colorful.  I'll be looking like a homo walking down the streets.  I went through this one week of just being depressed and i don't know what i was depressed about.  Everytime i had to go do something i didn't do it with my regular gayness and i wasn't my usual self.  It was just one of those weeks when you don't know what the fuck is going on in your life and you don't know what you are going to do for the rest of it.  There's some people out there that are really ignorant about their actions.  They think they're doing the right thing but they're actually doing the wrong thing.  Mainly it's because their mind is only one-sided.  They only look at the consequences from what only good will happen.  They don't look at what will happen the thing will turn bad.  If they just leave it alone and let things go smoothly of how they were going then many problems wouldn't occur.  "If you're trying to put out a fire, don't put gas on it"

12-23-02 4:09 p.m.
I had to go to the mall again today because i had to buy something for my sister and my nephew.  It was so crowded today.  I had to wait 20 minutes just to get out of the Target parking lot.  I feel like a dork going shopping by myself.  I feel lonely.  I also fell like a dork when i'm buying women's things and the person checking you out is looking at you kinda funny and also when you're buying kids stuff.  Then i just thought, "fuck them" and then move on.  I have nothing to talk about because i have a boring life.  My uncles and I jammed on the guitar for about an hour yesterday.  It was pretty cool.  One plays only christian songs and the other plays a lot of old rock and roll.  They're both pretty good.  Well i'm out of this mottha.  Merry Christmas Tree.

12-21-02 11:01 p.m.
Gee golly wilakers, christmas is almost here and i want it to hurry up and pass.  I hate christmas shopping.  I spent almost 2 hours in one store just waiting in line.  My legs were so tired and i fell asleep in the car.  I went with my sister and we were both complaining to each other of all the things we had to do.  We went to hooters to eat and then we headed home.  There were so many cops on the road.  My knee hurts and my back hurts.  After i got home i had to shampoo the carpet and then wrap the damn presents i bought and that took all night.  I finished it off by going up to DQ and seeing my woman.  I'm so tired i could.......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

12-18-02 6:41 p.m.
I'm so glad that i'm not taking any semester exams.  I nearly had to take one in calculus, which would've been hell, but i got out of it after i made an unbelievable 83 on a test that i had no clue what i was doing.  I studied so hard for that test but i didn't get one bit of it.  I just wrote down some crap and turned it in.  Luckily i got a passing grade.  That boosted my semester grade up to a 81 and i don't have to take it nigga.  Tomorrow i'm gonna go to IHOP and eat me the biggest breakfast 5 dollars can buy.  I love IHOP.  That and Jack in the Box.  I'm gonna now start trying to learn some new songs because i've been lacking for the past week so i really need to step it up.  I'm gonna learn at least 2 new songs tonight.  If i don't then i'm just gonna do it tomorrow.  I'm so lazy.  I'm gonna be a fat fuck when i grow up and i'm gonna do nothing about it.  Why?  BECAUSE I'M FUCKING LAZY.

12-14-02 5:44 p.m.
I went to Andy's funeral and i went pretty well.  Caleb got up there and started talking about how he and Andy use to do stuff back in the day and what he and Andy talked about the night before he died.  When he started to talk, I started to cry.  I was pretty good friends with Andy until he left high school and then i saw him sometimes and talked to him whenever i saw him.  This the first funeral that i've been to where i've had a friend die that i actually hung out with.  I'm not gonna say i was his best friend because i wasn't.  I was just a friend.  When i saw him lying there in the casket i didn't know what to think.  It didn't look like him.  It looked like a dummy.  His neck was swollen and it didn't look like the Andy i knew.  It's so hard to see a friend go, especially when it's unexpected.

12-12-02 8:37 p.m.
Well today sucked to high hell.  I was almost late to practice this morning and i was tired as hell.  Then i had to go home and take a shower and then i was late for class.  Then about 5th period i got some really bad news. Andy James, a damn good guy and a damn good friend, died instantly in a car wreck.  The whole school was terrified and shocked.  Some people that i never thought i;d see cry started crying hard.  Lots of bad shit has been happening lately in the town of Farmersville.  I don't know what the fuck it is.  And he had lots of friends that liked him alot and would've done alot for him.  It was such a big knife in everyone's heart today but they didn't bleed blood, it was tears.  I wanted to cry but i never do.  I always ball this shit up inside and don't let it out.  I try to be the strong one and try to get everyone else to stop.  It really pissed me off today that some people took advantage of his death and left school because they said they were "too traumatized" and they barely even knew him.  That's fucking bullshit.  Yall should be the ones dead.  All of his damn good friends stayed at school except his best friend and you could tell that he was gonna go crazy.  I went to go see him and he didn't look so well.  Every time we'd change the subject he would ask some more questions about it.  This hurt alot of people. 

12-10-02 4:25 p.m.
I got a 78 on my research paper that i did.  Some of yall might think that it's a crappy grade but i'm happy with what i got.  We had our final today in english and i think i failed that.  We were suppose to write a story  over one of the seven topics they gave us and i think i got a little off topic on the one i did.  Hopefully they're stupid and won't figure it out.  All i've been doing lately is reading.  I've got nothing better to do.  I've been writing about alot of crap in a notebook at school and it's mostly just about shit that's on my mind and why i think people do certain things.  I basically just started when i got bored in economics class because we don't do shit in there.  I've wrote about two pages and probably will keep on writing until i say "to hell with it" and throw it away and then all my thoughts that i've ever had will be thrown away.  Our basketball team's coming along pretty well in the season.  We're doing a whole lot better than last year.  That's because we didn't have the hardcore cheering of Alex, Chris, Travis, and Cody. They're all iced out fans screaming ridiculous shit out of control.  CHIT RULES. 

11-30-02 11:25 p.m.
I've been working furiously on my research paper and it's coming along well.  I still wish that i didn't have to do it.  Mostly all i did today was go to practice and then come home and play my guitar.  I was suppose to get me some brown shoes but i didn't because i'm lazy.  eeh...whatcha gonna do?  I went out to eat with my parents and that's about it.  It was a thrill ride.  How can someone have so much fun in one day.  I guess i'm just lucky.  If you didn't notice, I'M BEING SARCASTIC.  And if you didn't notice that in the first place then yer a retard.  I've found my self listening to music on my computer mostly all day.  Most of it's thrice because they sound good to me right now.  "What 'eva', what 'eva', I do wadda want. Yu' dunno me."

11-29-02 11:29 p.m.
My turkey weekend has been really boring so far.  Kalli's called me a few times from hawaii, telling me of how bored she is and all the stuff she's done.  I wish i was in hawaii.  I just can't wait till she comes home turesday because i miss her.  Basically all i've done this whole weekend is play my guitar and eat.  Yes keith i know you live less than a mile away and we can play the git-tar but i'm a friggin lazy bastard that won't move from the couch if the house is on fire.  All i'm doing with the git-tar now is just trying to learn some new songs instead of playing the same scale over and over and over and over and over and over and over.  Oh year!  I talked to kalli and she said that her mom doesn't really hate me it's just that she was really mad at kalli and it just popped out.  So now her mom is going to buy me a shirt.  Laaaddy friicken daa.  I'm gonna forget everything now because she's gonna buy me a shirt.  FAT CHANCE.  I'm not as mad as i was but you still don't say that fucking shit.  That really fucking made me upset.  I was about to beat the shit outta someone.  My mom thinks that kalli's parents have something wrong with them.  I do too.  But i know everything's gonna workout sooner of later.  They can't treat her like she's 6 years old for long.  I still hope she's gonna have a serious talk with my parents because i'll be there to give them a "yer fucking retarded" or a "you're the dumbest fucking parents i have ever seen."

11-28-02 11:04 a.m.
I found out today that Kalli got grounded before she left for Hawaii.  She was grounded because she got home a few minutes EARLY.  It was also because she told her mom that she wished she would die.  Her parents are so friggin retarded.  They tell her to come home before a certain time and she does and she still gets grounded.  She got into a fight with her mom and her mom said that she hated me because i'm a bad influence on her.  I've done nothing but treat kalli right and her mom still thinks i'm going out and robbing 7 11's.  Her mom is so fucking fake.  She's so nice to me when i'm around her but when she gets home she just talks bad about me saying that i probably do drugs because i'm a skater. " NEWS FLASH BITCH" not all people that skate are drug addicts.  I'm so fucking mad right now.   What's wrong with letting a teenager live their life instead of being forced to do shit by their parents.  With all this shit happening kalli might have to come live with me for a while.  I hope she can just to piss off her mom.  Her mom said she was gonna have a serious talk with my parents well i'm gonna have a fucking serious talk with her. AAAARRRGGHHH!

11-27-02 10:29 a.m.
Kalli's leaving for hawaii today and i've got one week without her.  I'm gonna miss her.  Anyway, my next door neighbor that has been living next to me since i was born died last night and our whole street is in sort of a mourning state.  I don't know what it is about me but when someone dies that's close to me, it doesn't affect me as much as it does other people.  I don't even cry.  LIke when my dad told me this morning, i just said "oh man" and then walked off and got on the computer.  I have a stupid english research paper due next tuesday  and i have to do my stupid notecards that are gonna be hard as hell to do since i just made up all of my sources.  My outline's pretty damn good but i don't know where i'm gonna find some gay information to put in there.  I'M SCREWED.  I'm playing my electric guitar alot now since i got it back from keith.  I played for 2 1/2  hours last night and i can tell i'm getting a whole lot better.  I'm gonna start a band, it's gonna be called "Feeling Christy."  Not really!

11-22-02 9:45 p.m.
Sorry about not updating, i've been really busy for awhile and it just now let up.  Yo keith, i'm really sorry about what happened.  I just found out today about all that's been going on and i would've come over but i had a game today o i'll try tomorrow.  It's really fucked up about how things go in life.  Everything's doing fine and then something bad happens and life turns to hell.  But life goes on.  It's hard but it goes on.  Man, tonight's game was a blowout.  We raped Boles and spared the vaseline.  I would like to know if 9:30 is way too late to just eat at dairy queen because apparently Kalli's parents think that 9:00 must be midnight.  Kids need a social life outside of school.  Can you go to IHOP when you're at school?  I don't think so!

11-16-02 6:08 p.m.
Well last night we just got raped by Van Alstyne and i got hurt when i jumped up to make a shot and guy went under me and i landed on my back and they didn't eve call a fucking foul.  So i've been hurting all day.  I wanted to go to the movies with Kalli tonight but her friggin parents won't let her go anywhere because they're fucking pricks and fucking dumbasses that don't see that keeping her locked up in the fucking house isn't going to do her any fucking good.  I wouldn't be surprised if she killed them in them in their sleep.  There was suppose to be another madden tournament today but nobody called me to confirm it so i guess it was called off.  Now i'm sitting at home on yet another saturday night because i'm a fucking loser.  I hate gay parents.

11-11-02 8:30 p.m.
Sunday night i went to see The Ring and i was very disappointed.  It made no sense to me.  It was alright in some parts but the whole story was retarded.  A lot of people say that it was scary but it didn't make me jump once.  I almost fell asleep.  Today i had to go to get me some friggin basketball shoes for practice because my shitty ass ones that i'm wearing tore apart.  I didn't get to skate today because of that.  I'm so mad that i could spit.  Don't you just hate it when people fake stuff.  Friggin posters.

11-9-02 8:50 AM
Last night, I went to the happinest party in the hood.  Cody can throw one hell of a party.    It was pretty fun seeing some dumbass guys  who have already graduated try to hit on highschool girls.  What losers.  Blake, you are the dumbest friggin retard when you drink.  You're loud and stupid.  But it's funny.  Just try to tone it down a bit.  What is it with dumbshits who think they can dance.  I know i can't dance so i don't try.  These guys had no rhythm at all and couldn't even look good.  The bad part about it was that they weren't even drunk yet.  Somebody's been watching a little too much of the soul train.  Some fucking guys need to have more respect for girls.  Lots of girls don't really like it when you drag them out to dance and then feel them up left and right.  I had to save someone from that.  That's pretty much the reason why i don't drink anymore because i don't want to be like the people that i see acting stupid.  Pretty much the whole night i just sat and talked to travis and jennifer. 

11-5-02 7:44 p.m.
What is the deal with girls cheating on guys.  Do they not know that some guys will kill if they find out that their girlfriend is cheating on them.  Even if they don't cheat on them but say something hinting that they might cheat is bad enough.  I wanna give my hurt out to blake for his thing that he's going through.  I would slice up some people.  Keith i hope you're happy that i'm updating my friggin site.  You friggin crackwhore.  I'm gonna start skating after school now because i want to be all that i can be.  I'm a champion!  Yall some bitches.  Kalli, I still want to spend time with you after school.  I love my girl.

11-2-02 2:21 p.m.
Just to let you know, i've been adding pictures just in case you don't ever check it.  It's mostly just pictures that i've taken that aren't that interesting.  Oh yeah, I love my girl.

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