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"Again...FUCK THIS WAR!"

First of all, let me get something straight. The fact that I don’t support this country’s next step for Globalization, and U.S. led corporate rule(i.e. The Pax-Americana) doesn’t mean I support the oppressive regimes ANYWHERE(that the U.S. has installed anyway.)

The fact that I don’t support murder of humyns(including animals), or the raping of indigenious lands for profit for a more “secure homeland” doesn’t mean that I’m a potential “terrorist” threat. I may be a threat of some kind, but only the kind tht won’t be scared to let my Anarchist tendencies to shine through regardless of the injustice abroad, or at “home”.(FYI:There is a difference between Anarchism(i.e. Direct Action) and Terrorism. Anarchism aims to destroy property which the use of is an aid in oppression, murder, or brainwashing. Specifically NOT aiming at harming any life.)

This war ON Iraq has a blatant overtone of racism. “God Bless America”, “Only buy U.S. Made Products”(Didn’t Hitler pull that with his Nationalist Aryan Race?) to get an upper-hand against these nasty, terrorist, primitive Afghani’s and Iraqi’s.(Afghanistan and Iraq were some of the most educated, until the Gulf War.) We are willing to aid in the destruction of the world, the continuation of ideas, principles, and police forces(local or global) that shuv socio-economic “truisms” down the throats of people that are either lucky enough,or just shit-out-of-luck to live in a particular Nation-State.

And sometimes you aren’t even allowed to leave, being forced to go back to the root of your desperate attempt to escape(if you ever got that far, again, this type of action being U.S. backed). An example of this is illustrated with the U.S. and Haitian Refugees. First started by an informal agreement between Jimmy Carter and the dictator of Haiti to forcibly return Haiti refugees back to militarist-terrorist rule.

This being in complete disregard for the International Declaration of Human Rights. The agreement was “formalized”, really meaning that it was no longer illegal to force people back into poverty, back into sweatshops, and back into oppressive regimes without regard to the value of humyn life.

As some of you may or may not be surprised, there was another major rift between America and Haiti. Now involving the Reagan/Bush/Clinton administrations which involved many attempts to topple democratic elections. Haiti’s democratic candidate won, much to the surprise of American Corporations. You may be wondering who the American candidate was......a former World Bank official(who had gotten only 14% of the vote.) Now, any conservative or “liberal” reading this might just want to tell me “We aren’t as evil as you make us out to be! We continued aid to help them out!”.

The U.S. did continue aid, but it’s only focus was on groups that oppressed the newly formed democracy. A blatant mockery of what the U.S. brainwashes it’s people to believe. What that former World Bank official represented authoritarianly, and ideologically embodies the actual spirit of American Diplomacy. Which is guns, raping of indigenious lands and peoples’,and a world rule dependent on hierarchy and globalization.

Now before I had mentioned “The Pax-Americana”, I will explain this to the best of my ability and it’s sure-fire world consequences. But to understand it, you need to understand the rudimentary system which is Globalization.

Globalization if you don’t know is a tool used to create a “Global Economy”. Wow, a Global Economy sounds great, countries are finally openly importing and exporting goods at a furious pace while helping the people of these countries to prosper. FACT: Globalization(WTO, and NAFTA:North American Free Trade Agreement) has only helped the rich elite line their pockets with green(no, not the good green.) All at the cost of humanity. The Mexican poverty rate has been increased three-fold, the effects have even been felt in Canada and America where company owners and stock-holders are pushing more and more to privatize services, and resources(jobs,lands,HUMYNS all across this globe.)

All around the world people are left with a decision: Death and Starvation, or malnutrition while working in a sweatshop/factory(For America and Canada mainly)for amounts that us in America/Canada would feel comfortable throwing in the gutter. Their governments toppled, public land seized, and the working class are left with poverty as the rich ‘toil’ about not having enough space for that new Oriental Tiger Skin rug. Not to say that the rich decision makers of that specific nation-state don’t exist in those conquered societies, but they are more than less just puppets of Transnational Corporations. Which are in all reality: The American Government itself.

Globalization is world oppression, but a global economy and pummeled world population is only one link in a chain meant to strangle the globe.

After Clinton made the first real steps to ensure Globalizations “success”, which of course meant nice wording, and outright lies, the next step was made for whoever was to succeed him.....

“The Pax Americana” was that next step. This plan (besides being illegally reproduced, hence why a select few of us know) was rubber-stamped in silence before George W. Bush took office. It reads like a comic-book plot, where the villain’s name is Dr.Doom or some shit. But it’s oh so real...

It’s first goal: Conquering and Recolonization of Iraq(‘regime change’) regardless of who was in power. We are helplessly seeing the murder-widespread as I write this. What’s really horrible about this war is that the more that die, or the more in any kind of poverty, the easier it is for the plans to work(Capitalism is dependent on a poor working-class that will work for slave-wages because that means more profits and more imaginary economic booms)because if you are starving on the streets, and someone points a gun in your face, or promises you “freedom and a better life” chances are you will do exactly as they say. Creating another fearful, brainwashed society to obey Authoritarian demands.

Now, when I first heard of this, I was wondering who would run this newly formed miltarist dictatorship. The answer(if even on a temporary basis) is Gen.Tommy R. Franks. Tommy was the head commander for America in the Persian Gulf, he is now head of the latest war on Iraq. If he is not the newest “leader” of Iraq, one of his first hand men, or a corporate equivalent will do quite nicely in the George W. Bush administration.

It’s second goal: The seizing, privatizing, and control of all of Iraq’s natural resources and lands. Creative a playground for all of “our” governments most sadistic tendencies. We will be told we are bringing democracy, freedom, schools, and new jobs. But this democracy will be a more militant, centralized dictatorship, this freedom another lie, these schools ideological concentration camps(much like America’s/Canada’s), and these new jobs are a better chance for these people to wallow in toil as they still cannot feed their marginalized families. But this will be reported to us as a living utopia, breathing nothing but liberation and joy.

After this is done, the third goal is a post-war occupation of Japan(Why up and coming Army-Linguists are being trained in Japanese). Not necessarily a ‘regime change’ but an invasion none the less. My expectation of why we would occupy Japan is this: Knowing that North Korea(being upset after the destruction of Iraq)could be portrayed as another “terrorist threat”. This being another reason to whip America into another fearful Nationalist frenzy of flags, and consumption. That seems to be the American lifestyle: Fear, Flags, Nationalism, and Consumption(and Guns). The American elite show no signs of changing this cycle, either.

Sure we murder, sure we are destroying the ozone and the enviroment, but these actions are no longer considered illegal because there are other things that are put into consideration: Corporations are given all the rights of a citizen, with this you also get “the right to profit”. This leaving these parasites with almost limitless possibilities. With this: The final goal can be made to ensure a global corporate rule: Here is the part where people would rather believe that Kurt Cobain and Andy Kaufman both faked death and are living together in Hawaii. I hope you feel otherwise.

Complete control of Cyberspace, and (you ready?) SPACE ITSELF. Seems like land and humyns/animals are not good enough for these rich elite, and we no longer have any reason not to aid in the fight against Global, Tyrranical, Corporate Rule.

-Myke Laarson

For more information on the topics discussed(probably better written, too) go to: Electronic Iraq, International Answer, and Stop World War 3

I’d also recommend: Chomsky and Howard Zinn. BACK