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To modify the links listed above, simply change the text description of the link on each page. To add additional links, simply add additional cells, links and bullets below the last link.

Please note the hyperlinks above in the bullet list and the text in this area are set to display white. If you add new links/text or modify existing ones, be sure to use the same format so your links and text in this area will remain white.

This cell will accept images/ text links up to 150 pixels wide.

You can add as many additional images, or as much text here as you like. The LENGTH of this column will size to accommodate any amount of text or images placed here. Just be sure to use a light colored text, so it will be visible in this area.

Free Web Site Template Heading 1 Example

Free Web site template information: Read the information below to learn how to make changes to, and add additional pages to your free Web site template. This free Web site template can be easily modified using any html editor or a text editor such as Notepad.

Opening paragraph: Tell them EXACTLY what you offer using keywords and phrases, this will increase sales, interest in your product/ service and your rankings in the search engines. Use a bulleted list like the one below in your free web site template to organize lists.

  • TOP Left - LOGO AREA Image Size = 165x60 Pixels.

  • TOP - One Large Cell (to the right of the Logo) for Full Sized Banners, or other images. For best results use images with a height of 60 pixels.

  • Add additional pages with ease by copying an existing page, renaming it appropriately and adding links to it in the left columns. Use a descriptive name for the new page, something like internet_marketing.html, online_shopping_malls or free_web_sites.html

  • Always use the Underscore _ between words in a page, do not leave blank spaces.


Free Web Site Template Heading 2

Give visitors some details about your product and/ or service. Use a numbered list in your free Web site template like the one below for items that need to be listed in a specific order.

  1. Why should your visitors buy from you?

  2. What makes your product different or better?

  3. If your product is not unique, what do you offer in the way of sales or service that is an improvement over other similar products/ services?

    • Do you offer lower prices?

    • Better Customer Service

    • Product/ Service Guarantees

    • Do you have an Incentives Program?

    • Do you have an Affiliate Program?

    • Do you offer Free Gifts?

    • What do your current customers have to say?

Think about these questions, and ask your staff to help you put together a list of reasons why your company is the best. Use this information to tell your customers why they should buy products or services from your new Web site.


Free Web Site Template Heading 3

This is the default font size and type (Arial 10 pt.) for this free Web site template.

Contact Information? Additional Information?




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