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{The scene opens up in the gym. Bobby is standing by the weights. He picks up two and starts to work out. He then turns his attention to the change room that Melory is just coming out of. She is in a work out Bra and black Nike Spandex short. She walks over and sits beside Bobby and Grabs a lightweight. She starts to work out as Bobby starts to smile. He looks at the cameras and starts to laugh.}

Bobby:Heh, heh, Sid. You are such a dumb ass. I mean come on I went to the ring and wasted two guys....... wait one guy and a girl. You see I went to the ring and Beat the fuck out of Kamikaze and Blake Matthews. Then I called you out and challenged you. You being the dumb ass you are accepted. You came out onto the stage and ran your mouth. The only thing your mouth is going to get you as and ass kicking of a lifetime and your title around my waist.

{Melory looks at Bobby and kind of hits him. Bobby looks at her and smiles. }

Bobby: Now what was that for little lady.

{She hits him again and then puts her arms around his neck.}

Mel: I Love you Bobby.

Bobby: You might not after my Match. I mean it is for the hardcore title. I'm bound to get beat up a bit.

Mel: Well you know that I will help you up with cuts.

Bobby: And brakes!?

Mel: Bobby don't talk like that you won't get broken, if any thing you will be braking them. I don't like that kamikaze kid you should break him.

Bobby: And Sid?

Mel: Sid I don't Care about.

Bobby:Sid I don't know about you. I mean come on you think your all that but then when it comes to me you run your mouth and run away. Man what the fuck is up with that. You are all talk and no action. And I am all talk and all action. Man you are the dumbest of the dumb asses. Oh wait that Kamikaze. I'm starting to like that kid in my matches. On the one hand it's an easy win for me and on the other I get to kick his ass.

{Bobby looks Over and sees a table with water bottles on it. He gets up and grabs two water bottles. He throws one to Melory and opens the other taking a couple of sip. Mel opens hers and takes a sip to. She sets hers on the ground and picks up the weights again. Bobby on the other hand walks around the room. He makes his way to the window on the far right of the room. he stands there and stares out. He takes another sip and then leans up against the wall.}

Bobby:You see Kamikaze, I have a tie in a hardcore match and yes it is with you but, your dumb ass didn't get up. This is how that match was supposed to happen. I was to be lying on the match with Kamikaze. Then HE was supposed to get up and break the count. Then he would pull me up and we would fight for a bit and then he would get a chair and then BOOM! I would kick the chair in his face and then hit the Screw Job on it for the win. But the kid didn't get up. I'm so sick of this little punk ass bitch. I know I can break him in two but I like to play with my prey.

{ Bobby looks a the Canadian flag flying high in the air. A smile comes across his face.}

Bobby:I will fuck hurt you Kamikaze. In this match any thing goes and trust me, anything could happen. And something will happen. The New HARDCORE Champion will be crowned. Sid you and Eye will never see Eye to eye because I can waist your ass. Boy when you step though those ropes and into the ring with me your ass will be kicked and your title mine. Sid you are the one who accepted this match now face it you fucked up by accepting this match. You know I can't beat you. Hell Kamikaze could beat you. Now that's just bad. Now I know I will get beat down in this match but it doesn't matter because Sid as long as you have that hardcore title around your waist I will be watching and waiting for the chance to kick your ass. Well The chance is now. Prepare yourself for that ass kicking of your life.

{Bobby turns around and looks at Melory. he then walks away from the window and over to her. She gets up and heads to the change room. Bobby goes and changes to. After about 5 minutes Bobby comes out and then after about another 2 minutes Melory comes from the women's Change room. Bobby has his duffle bag on his shoulder and so does Mel. Bobby puts his arm around her waist and they walk to a set of door. They go though them and then you see and couple couches and some tables in a huge room. Bobby and Melory walk over and sit on the couches. Melory tilts her head backward and closes her eyes. Bobby looks at the cameras and starts to talk. }

Bobby: Kamikaze you and me will fight in this match and I will brake you in half little man. I will end your career. You see In this match there will be No DQ because it is Hardcore so I can do what ever I want to you. And if I want to make you bleed I can do it. You know I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and however I want because no one can stop me. Boy you have got a lot to learn about trashing the wrong people. But in this match I'll take out the trash. I will take out Kamikaze and Sid by myself.

Mel: Bobby, ever one knows that you better then Kamikaze. But you should be focusing on Sid Synergy. I mean you haven't fought him yet.

Bobby:I Don't know why but I got a gut feeling that this could all come around and Bite me on the ass. I don't care though. I have fought two guys off before and I can do it again. Kamikaze if your thinking of joining forces with Sid I wouldn't because I will hurt you if you do.....well I will hurt you any way. He will turn his back on you. Hell I might not like you but it is better to take out the best man first ....... So that’s why you two would double-team me. Now Sid, do you think you can walk into this match and stay that you are going to win.

{ A little kid runs over to Bobby and stands there with his eyes wide open. He has a Bobby shirt on and a baseball hat. Bobby with out the kid even asking takes the hat and signs it. The kid smiles and runs off as Bobby puts the hat on his head.}

Mel: That was nice Bobby.

Bobby: So.

Mel: You better not treat Sid and Kamikaze like that.

{ They both start to laugh and then Bobby looks at the Cameras.}

Bobby:Man there are two lessons that you have to learn. Respect is one and number 2 is how to take an ass kicking. Boy you my be the Hardcore champion but trust me I will be the Champion come WAR. Sid it will be devastating, it will be horrible, and it will be WAR. Man when I get gold I turn into a different person. I turn into a monster. I turn into a gold thirsty animal that would do any thing to get his hands on it on to keep it. Sid I will do any thing to keep this title. Even if it means hurting you. I don't Care about you or Kamikaze. I Am about kicking your ass and winning my title.

{Bobby takes a Sid of his water and starts to talk again.}

Bobby:Now Kamikaze is your just a little bitch that doesn't show up for his matches or know how to get a good women. He is the Dip shit that ever one knows him to be. So is Sid. His Career might have been well in the past but now he is up against me. The guy doesn't have a fucking clue that the hell he is going up against. I will fuck him up. I'm not afraid to bleed or make someone bleed. I don't care about any body but myself.

{ Melory Elbows him}

Bobby: Oh, and Mel. But Right now I have my eyes on that hardcore title. I'm ready and willing to make you two ass clowns bleed. This is Hardcore. Are you two Hardcore? You might think you are but I can tell you, your not. You know how I know? Because you can't take it. You can't hack it in a Hardcore to the core match. Now you might not know what hardcore to the core is. Well Let me tell you. Hardcore to the core is were you will take every thing and then some and still get up, Hardcore to the cotre is were you will never stop fight. But I am Hardcore to the core and you will find out on war. I will but you though hell and you will wish you were dead. You will be begging me to kill you. You will be begging me to end the match. You will be pleading and I will just keep boot fucking you.

Mel: Bobby what the hell does boot fuck mean?

Bobby: Boot fuck is were the guy or girl is down and you kick the shit out of him. You just don't stop kicking him.

Mel: Oh Ok.

{ Melory grabs a magizine and starts to read it.}

Bobby:Kamikaze I will boot fuck you and sid. Hell this is a tree way dance that means I can pin you Kamikaze and I would be the Hardcore Champion. But you see I have pinned you enough. I want a shot at Sid. I will pin him if it is the last thing I do. I will be the hardcore Champion. Now as for the people in the back I'm warning you now. Don't Come down in this match. I don't Care if you attack me or Kamikaze but I want sid to my self. Hell I wouldn't care if they came down. That means I get the win. So what ever works. I win is a win.

{Bobby and mel get up and she thoughs the mag on the table. They grab there bags and walks out as the scene fades to black. }

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