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girls you wish you had

I was chilling down by the chasm with K-man (aka Special K and gimmethatweed) and DannyBoy doing our usual herbal activities. We started talking about the three girls who have become our other halves cause they're just so cool (alright ladies are you happy now?) and we decided they should have a commemorative page. Katie What'sMyLastNameAgain, Katherine Gallagher and Emily "I'm not a Dude" B. all fucking rock. They swear that they're the best in New England at snowboarding. We challenged them this winter to a boarding competition and needless to say they kicked our manly butts, but it was mainly because we were distracted because they looked wicked hot (and because Katherine was wearing a Tshirt and it was cold out if you know what I'm saying). I should put some pics of them up and I will as soon as they let me. Katie's a punk but we like her anyways. I used to go out with her but she dumped me for some townie with a car, so then I thought I'd go out with Katherine but she had other plans involving some hockey players. Katherine is a hottie and she is an awesome wakeboarder. I'm trying to teach her how to surf the RIGHT way but she's a little slow on the uptake (just kidding, right Kat). Em's an amazing chick even if she does go out with DannyBoy (they're fucking maried or something, they've been together a year). She windsurfs and she's got a dirty fastball that she breaks out for our baseball games that the bros always win (Bros before Hos, you know how it goes). ******************************************************* Right now the standings for the Under the Table drinking contest are: 1st place and still sober after everyone else was smashed: Katherine G.(cause she's Irish AND Canadian) 2nd place, drunk after 17: K-Man (cause he cheats) 3rd place, drunk after 16: Me (cause I should have been in 2nd because K-Man CHEATS) 4th place, MIA: DannyBoy and Em (cause they disappeared after 10 to go "find some food". Yeah right, they were fucking like monkeys) 5th place, drunk after 6: Katie The Lightweight